24 | Customer | Issuer | Customer performs the following: - Confirm Transaction Information
25 | Issuer | RPP | Debiting Agent performs the following : - Validate Customer Response
- Expiry of RTP Request (861) receive during Retrieve Transaction Information (862)
- Any other validation
- Debit customer
- Send update payment status request to RPP
- Start timer
26 | RPP | Issuer | RPP performs the following: - Message Logging
- Message Validation
- Message Format Validation
- Digital Signature Validation
- Business Validation
- Timeout Validation
- Payment Validation Check
- Check Request-to-Pay Staging Status
- Minimum Amount Check
- Maximum Amount Check
If any Message Validation fails, RPP will: - Send a REJECT response to Debiting Agent
If any Business Validation fails, RPP will: - Send a NEGATIVEresponse to Debiting Agent
If all validations are successful, RPP will: - Update liquidity positions of both Crediting Agent and Debiting Agent
- Update settlement totals
- Update Request-to-Pay Staging table status to ‘SUCC’ (Successful)
- Return Payment Status Response with Merchant Redirect URL/App ID
- Encrypts Debtor Account with Business Message ID
- Submits Credit Transfer Request to SAF
Note: - Timeout is set at 20 seconds
- Transaction Type: 070
27 | RPP | DuitNow Pay | RPP performs the following: Notify Merchant of Update Payment Status via DuitNow Pay |
28 | DuitNow Pay | Merchant Acquirer/System Integrator | Payment status will be parsed to Merchant Acquirer/System Integrator as part of the webhook. |
29 | Merchant Acquirer/System Integrator | Merchant/Biller | Payment status will be parsed to Merchant/Biller as part of the webhook. |
30 | Merchant/Biller | Merchant Acquirer/System Integrator | Merchant/Biller shall provide an acknowledgment back to Merchant Acquirer/System Integrator. |
31 | Merchant Acquirer/System Integrator | DuitNow Pay | Merchant Acquirer/System Integrator shall provide an acknowledgment back to DuitNow Pay. |
32 | RPP | Acquirer | RPP performs the following: - Check for SAF retry necessity based on the following parameters:-
- SAF Maximum Distribution Rate (msg/sec) aka TPS
- SAF Message Response Timer (sec)
- SAF Message Retry Limit
- SAF Open Session Limit
- SAF Timeout Count
- SAF Pause Period (sec) after consecutive timeouts
- If retry is required:
- Send repeat Credit Transfer Request to Acquirer
- Start timer
Note: - SAF will automatically send requests to Acquirer up to the maximum number of retries
- Once maximum retry has been exceeded with no response, Participant must check the Exceptional SAF Report
33 | Acquirer | RPP | Acquirer performs the following: - Message Validation
- Message Format Validation
- Digital Signature Verification
If any Message Validation fails, Acquirer will: - Send a REJECT response to RPP
If all validations are successful, Acquirer will: - Send a SUCCESSFULresponse to RPP
34 | Issuer | Merchant | Issuer to display the result to customer and redirect customer back to merchant portal. |