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Credit Transfer

See also API reference for Credit Transfer



The terminology Phase 1 is being used interchangeably to refer to services that are originally built for DuitNow Transfer i.e. Account Enquiry, Credit Transfer and National Addressing Database (NAD) related. QR, P2P, JomPAY and etc are built as overlay services on top of Phase 1. Hence these overlay services will adopt similar architecture and user will be asked to refer to Phase 1 sections throughout our documentations

Instant Transfer is a Credit Transfer service in which the customer sends the payment request and confirms the recipient's name before the actual credit transfer is performed. This payment request is a two-step process where an account enquiry request is sent to the Receiving Participant to request for the recipient's name, and upon successful retrieval of the Account Name, displays it to the customer for confirmation. Once confirmation is received, the Originating Participant then debits customer account and sends the actual Credit Transfer request to the Receiving Participant for processing

DuitNow Transfer will be marketed for use by the Participants' Retail and Corporate customers and invoked from the Participants' Internet and Mobile Banking channels

Overlay Services

Overlay services are services that augment a payment service by building on top of Real-time Retail Payments Platform (RPP) existing infrastructure to deliver enhanced value to the participants within Malaysia payment network

What are Overlay Services?

In RPP, we have built the below overlay services to improve the workflows and customer experience in facilitating different payment use cases

  • QR payment for both domestic and cross border
  • Bill payment via JomPAY
  • Request-to-pay for end user to request or make a payment within the eCommerce space

Refer to the respective service sections on our product offerings

Account Enquiry


Account resolution enquiry is used to determine if particular beneficiary account is valid and ready to receive payment. There are many situations in which you may need to know if a beneficiary account provided by customer is valid before accepting payment request. Examples include:

  • Customer needs to validate the beneficiary account name before making final confirmation to the payment request
  • Customer needs to ensure the recipient details before making top-up to their eWallet account

Successful End-to-End Account Enquiry Flow

Successful End-to-End Account Enquiry Flow

1CustomerOFICustomer logs into Online Banking or Mobile Banking app and initiates a DuitNow Instant Transfer
2OFIRPPOFI performs the following:If all validations are successful:
  • Send Account Enquiry request
3RPPRFIRPP performs the following:If any of the Message Validations fails:
  • Return a REJECT response to OFI
If any of the Business Validations fails:
  • Return a NEGATIVE response to OFI
If all validations are successful:
  • Send Account Enquiry message request
4RFIRPPRFI performs the following:If any of the Message Validations fails:
  • Send a REJECT response
If any of the Business Validations fails:
  • Send a NEGATIVE response
If any of the Beneficiary Account Validations fails:
  • Send a NEGATIVE response
If all validations are successful:
  • Send Account Enquiry message response with the necessary beneficiary account information
5RPPOFIRPP performs the following:If any of the validations are not successful:
  • Send a NEGATIVE/REJECT response
If all validations are successful:
  • Send Account Enquiry message response with the necessary beneficiary account information
6OFICustomerOFI performs the following:If all validations are successful:
  • If SUCCESSFUL response is received:
    • Display the Beneficiary Account Name to the Customer for payment confirmation
  • If UNSUCCESSFUL response is received:
    • Display an error message to the Customer

Exception Flows

RPP Failed to Receive Request from OFI

RPP Failed to Receive Request from OFI

OFI sent a request to RPP. However, RPP did not receive the request

As no response is received from RPP after x period of time, OFI eventually timeout
OFI shall:
  • Timeout
  • Display an appropriate error message to the Customer
  • Stop processing
If retry is configured, OFI shall:
  • If retry count has not exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Send a repeat request
    • Continue processing
  • If retry count has exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Display an error message to Customer
    • Stop processing

OFI Failed to Receive Response from RPP

OFI Failed to Receive Response from RPP

OFI sent a request to RPP, and RPP did receive the request. However, RPP response did not reach to OFI

As no response is received from RPP after x period of time, OFI eventually timeout
OFI shall:
  • Timeout
  • Display an appropriate error message to the Customer
  • Stop processing
If retry is configured, OFI shall:
  • If retry count has not exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Send a repeat request
    • Continue processing
  • If retry count has exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Display an error message to Customer
    • Stop processing

RFI Failed to Receive Request from RPP

RFI Failed to Receive Request from RPP

RPP sent a request to RFI. However, RFI did not receive the request from RPP

As no response is received from RFI after x period of time, RPP eventually timeout
RPP shall:
  • Timeout
  • Return a NEGATIVE response with timeout reason
OFI shall:
  • Display an appropriate error message to the Customer
  • Stop processing

RPP Failed to Receive Response from RFI

RPP Failed to Receive Response from RFI

RPP sent a request to RFI, and RFI did receive the request. However, RFI response did not reach to RPP

As no response is received from RFI after x period of time, RPP eventually timeout
RPP shall:
  • Timeout
  • Return a NEGATIVE response with timeout reason
OFI shall:
  • Display an appropriate error message to the Customer
  • Stop processing

Credit Transfer


A Credit Transfer is a push payment transaction of an amount from a bank account (the debtor account) to a beneficiary account (the creditor) that can be invoked from the Participants' various channels or touchpoints within their ecosystem. Some of these touchpoints may be Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Branches, Kiosks and etc

The Originating Participant initiates a payment instruction that pushes a credit to the Receiving Participant. The instruction must be sent one at a time to RPP (in case of Bulk Credit Transfers)

Successful End-to-End Credit Transfer Flow

Successful End-to-End Credit Transfer Flow

1CustomerOFICustomer verifies the beneficiary account details and confirms on the payment
2OFIRPPOFI performs the following:If all validations are successful:
  • Send Credit Transfer message request
3RPPRFIRPP performs the following:If any of the Message Validations fails:
  • Return a REJECT response to OFI
If any of the Business Validations fails:
  • Return a NEGATIVE response to OFI
If any of the Liquidity Position Validations fails:
  • Return a NEGATIVE response to OFI
If all validations are successful:
  • Check if an Account Enquiry request has been made in prior within a stipulated time interval
  • If Account Enquiry is NOT found (Participant is expected to always initiate an Account Enquiry prior to Credit Transfer. This control above is only meant for RPP internal handling under certain circumstances):
    • Send Account Enquiry message request by using the same message but changing the transaction code from Credit Transfer to Account Enquiry
    • Go to Step 4
  • If Account Enquiry is found:
    • Send Credit Transfer message request
    • Go to Step 7
4RFIRPPRFI performs the following:If any of the Message Validations fails:
  • Send a REJECT response
If any of the Business Validations fails:
  • Send a NEGATIVE response
If any of the Beneficiary Account Validations fails:
  • Send a NEGATIVE response
If all validations are successful:
  • Send Account Enquiry message response with the necessary beneficiary account information
5RPPOFIRPP performs the following:If any of the Message Validations fails:
  • Return a REJECT response to OFI
If any of the Business Validations fails:
  • Return a NEGATIVE response to OFI
If all validations are successful:
  • Check the message response
  • If response is SUCCESSFUL
    • Send Credit Transfer message request
    • Go to Step 7
  • If response is UNSUCCESSFUL
    • Return a NEGATIVE response to OFI
    • Credit Transfer will not be triggered
6OFICustomerOFI performs the following:If all validations are successful:
  • If SUCCESSFUL response is received:
    • Display the Beneficiary Account Name to the Customer for payment confirmation
  • If UNSUCCESSFUL response is received:
    • Display an error message to the Customer
7RFIRPPRFI performs the following:If any of the Message Validations fails:
  • Send a REJECT response
If any of the Business Validations fails:
  • Send a NEGATIVE response
If any of the Beneficiary Account Validations fails:
  • Send a NEGATIVE response
If all validations are successful:
  • Send Credit Transfer with successful message response
When a REPEAT request is received by the RFI from RPP:
  • If the original transaction has been posted successfully by the RFI, RFI will respond with the original transaction response instead of rejecting the REPEAT request as duplicate
  • If the original transaction has not been processed previously, RFI will process the transaction and return the appropriate response to RPP
8RPPOFIRPP performs the following:If any of the Message Validations fails:
  • Send a REJECT response
If any of the Business Validations fails:
  • Send a NEGATIVE response
If all validations are successful:
  • Update liquidity and settlement positions of both OFI and RFI
  • Send Credit Transfer message response
If the signature received from RFI could not be verified:
  • RPP will send an ACCEPTED (signature error) response to the OFI if the RFI responds with a SUCCESSFUL transaction status
  • RPP will send an actual REJECT response to the OFI if RFI responds with a REJECT transaction status
This should take care of any message manipulation done within the data when a signature could not be verified
9OFICustomerOFI performs the following:If all validations are successful:
  • If SUCCESSFUL response is received:
    • Display the final payment status to the Customer
  • If UNSUCCESSFUL response is received:
    • Display an error message to the Customer
    • Perform a debit reversal on the Customer account (if necessary)

Exception Flows

RPP Failed to Receive Request from OFI

RPP Failed to Receive Request from OFI

OFI sent a request to RPP. However, RPP did not receive the request

As no response is received from RPP after x period of time, OFI eventually timeout
RPP shall:
  • Timeout
  • Return a NEGATIVE response with timeout reason
OFI shall:
  • Display an appropriate error message to the Customer
  • Stop processing
  • Initiate a Transaction Enquiry separately to confirm on the payment status
If retry is configured, OFI shall:
  • If retry count has not exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Send a repeat request
    • Continue processing
  • If retry count has exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Display an ACCEPTED status message to Customer
    • Stop processing
    • Confirm the payment manually via Back Office portal

OFI Failed to Receive Response from RPP

OFI Failed to Receive Response from RPP

OFI sent a request to RPP, and RPP did receive the request. However, RPP response did not reach to OFI

As no response is received from RPP after x period of time, OFI eventually timeout
RPP shall:
  • Timeout
  • Return a NEGATIVE response with timeout reason
OFI shall:
  • Display an appropriate error message to the Customer
  • Stop processing
  • Initiate a Transaction Enquiry separately to confirm on the payment status
If retry is configured, OFI shall:
  • If retry count has not exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Send a repeat request
    • Continue processing
  • If retry count has exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Display an ACCEPTED status message to Customer
    • Stop processing
    • Confirm the payment manually via Back Office portal

RFI Failed to Receive Request from RPP

RFI Failed to Receive Request from RPP

RPP sent a request to RFI. However, RFI did not receive the request from RPP

As no response is received from RFI after x period of time, RPP eventually timeout
RPP shall:
  • Timeout
  • Return a NEGATIVE response with timeout reason
OFI shall:
  • Display an appropriate error message to the Customer
  • Stop processing
  • Initiate a Transaction Enquiry separately to confirm on the payment status
If retry is configured, RPP shall:
  • Store the request to SAF
  • If retry count has not exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Send a repeat request
    • Continue processing
  • If retry count has exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Display an ACCEPTED status message to Customer
    • Stop processing
    • Confirm the payment manually via Back Office portal

RPP Failed to Receive Response from RFI

RPP Failed to Receive Response from RFI

RPP sent a request to RFI, and RFI did receive the request. However, RFI response did not reach to RPP

As no response is received from RFI after x period of time, RPP eventually timeout
RPP shall:
  • Timeout
  • Return a NEGATIVE response with timeout reason
OFI shall:
  • Display an appropriate error message to the Customer
  • Stop processing
If retry is configured, RPP shall:
  • Store the request to SAF
  • If retry count has not exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Send a repeat request
    • Continue processing
  • If retry count has exceeded the maximum number of retries
    • Display an ACCEPTED status message to Customer
    • Stop processing
    • Confirm the payment manually via Back Office portal

Exception Conditions

Rejected by RPP

Below are some of the conditions that the request may be rejected

1Message Validation ErrorAn invalid message was sent to RPP. Some of the possible causes are:
  • Unknown inbound message is received
  • Message signature could not be verified
  • Failed in message parsing
  • Mandatory field validation has failed
RPP will not send the request to RFI. A REJECT response will be returned to OFI

A copy of the request message in FULL will be returned in the REJECT response in <AddtlData> field. This can be used by the sender to investigate the issue with the message
2Business Validation ErrorSome of the possible causes are:
  • Error in date validation
  • Error in RFI validations
  • RFI is inactive
RPP will not send the request to RFI. A NEGATIVE response will be returned to OFI
3Liquidity Position Threshold Exceeded – RedThe maximum Liquidity Position Threshold of the OFI has been exceededRPP will not send the request to RFI. A NEGATIVE response will be returned to OFI

Participant needs to update their liquidity position with Bank Negara Malaysia before RPP will resume accepting new incoming transactions
4Proxy Validation ErrorRPP could not resolve the proxy to a valid account numberIf there is no discrepancy between the request and NAD Proxy information, proceed with the Pay by Proxy request to the RFI

If the Proxy Resolution Enquiry returns unsuccessful or there is any discrepancy between the request and the NAD Proxy information, send a negative response to the OFI

Rejected by RFI

Below are some of the conditions that the request may be rejected

1Message Validation ErrorAn invalid message was sent to RPP. Some of the possible causes are:
  • Unknown inbound message is received
  • Message signature could not be verified
  • Failed in message parsing
  • Mandatory field validation has failed
RFI will not process the request. A REJECT response will be returned to RPP

A copy of the request message in FULL will be returned in the REJECT response in <AddtlData> field. This can be used by the sender to investigate the issue with the message
2Business Validation ErrorSome of the possible causes are:
  • Error in date validation
  • Error in RFI validations
  • RFI is inactive
RFI will not process the request. A NEGATIVE response will be returned to RPP
3Beneficiary Account Validation ErrorSome of the possible causes are:
  • Beneficiary account number does not exist
  • Invalid beneficiary account format and check digit
  • Beneficiary account is closed, dormant, hold, frozen, inactive or any other status that prohibits fund crediting to the account
  • Beneficiary account is blacklisted
RFI will reject the request. A NEGATIVE response will be returned to RPP


Below are some of the conditions that a timeout could occur

1RPP failed to receive any incoming request from OFIRequest was sent by OFI but RPP failed to receive the requestAccount Enquiry
  • OFI can send a new Account Enquiry request
Credit Transfer
  • OFI is advisable to send a Transaction Enquiry to check on the payment status
  • In the event a payment needs to be resent, OFI can resend the same request up to the maximum number of retries
  • If the maximum number of retries has been exceeded, OFI shall display an appropriate error message to the Customer
For Credit Transfer, if the maximum number of retries has been exceeded, OFI shall display an ACCEPTED message to the Customer and confirms the payment status via Back Office portal. If request is not successful, then manual processing/refund shall be performed
2OFI failed to receive response from RPPRPP has responded to the OFI but OFI failed to receive the responseAccount Enquiry
  • OFI can send a new Account Enquiry request
Credit Transfer
  • OFI is advisable to send a Transaction Enquiry to check on the payment status
  • In the event a payment needs to be resent, OFI can resend the same request up to the maximum number of retries
  • If the maximum number of retries has been exceeded, OFI shall display an appropriate error message to the Customer
For Credit Transfer, if the maximum number of retries has been exceeded, OFI shall display an ACCEPTED message to the Customer and confirms the payment status via Back Office portal. If request is not successful, then manual processing/refund shall be performed
3RFI failed to receive request from RPPRequest was sent by RPP but RFI failed to receive the requestRPP will respond to OFI with ACCEPTED (timeout reason) and stores the request to SAF for retry purpose (if applicable) OFI shall display an appropriate error message to the Customer

RFI shall not reject request originates from SAF
4RPP failed to receive response from RFIRFI has responded to RPP but RPP failed to receive the responseRPP will respond to OFI with ACCEPTED (timeout reason) and stores the request to SAF for retry purpose (if applicable)
OFI shall display an appropriate error message to the Customer

  • RFI shall not reject request originates from SAF
  • RPP may choose to initiate a Transaction Enquiry to confirm on the payment status instead of payment retry depending on the situation

Inflight Exceptions

Below are some of the conditions that an inflight exception could occur

1OFI timed-out and sends a REPEAT request while RFI is processing the transactionRequest was sent by OFI but RFI has taken a longer time to process the transaction so OFI timed-outRPP will place the REPEAT request in queue. During processing, RPP will respond with the original response to OFI
2OFI timed-out and sends a REPEAT request while the response from RPP is in transit to OFIRPP has responded to the OFI but OFI timed out first and sent a REPEAT before the response from RPP is receivedRPP will place the REPEAT request in queue. During processing, RPP will respond with the original response to OFI
3OFI initiated 2 transactions (1 Original and 1 REPEAT) one after the other – OFI will terminate the first session before initiating the REPEAT sessionOFI initiated a Credit Transfer and a REPEAT of the same Credit Transfer transactionDepends on at which point the REPEAT request has been received by RPP:
  • CT request has been sent but no response:
    • RPP will respond with ACCEPTED to OFI
  • CT request has been sent and response received from RFI
    • RPP will respond with the original response
  • CT request has not been sent to RFI
    • RPP will respond with ACCEPTED to OFI
Manual reconciliation will be done by OFI for those with ACCEPTED status

Message Schema

Account Enquiry

Below illustrates the message schema to be used for each transaction leg. For actual schema and message version, please refer to the API specifications instead

NoConditionScenarioSenderReceiverMessage Schema

Out: From Sender
In: To Receiver
1Success Account Enquiry OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
2Message Validation Failure 1Request from OFI:
  • Signature could not be verified
  • Message parsing failed
  • Mandatory fields level validation failed
  • Unknown inbound message
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPOFIOut: admi.002.001.01
In: admi.002.001.01
3Message Validation Failure 2Request from RPP:
  • Signature could not be verified
  • Message parsing failed
  • Mandatory fields level validation failed
  • Unknown inbound message
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: admi.002.001.01
In: admi.002.001.01
RPPOFIOut: admi.002.001.01
In: admi.002.001.01
4Message Validation Failure 3Response from RFI:
  • Signature could not be verified
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
5Message Validation Failure 4Response from RPP:
  • Signature could not be verified
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
6Business Validation Failure
  • RFI is not a participant of RPP
  • Invalid Date
  • RFI is inactive
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: NA
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: NA
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
7Beneficiary Account Validation FailureRFI returns a negative response due to account related validation failure like Invalid Account, Account Closed, Account On hold, Account Blacklisted and etcOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
8Timeout 1RPP did not receive requestOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: NA
In: NA
In: NA
In: NA
9Timeout 2RFI did not receive requestOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: NA
In: NA
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
10Timeout 3RPP did not receive responseOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: NA
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
11Timeout 4OFI did not receive responseOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: NA

Credit Transfer

NoConditionScenarioSenderReceiverMessage Schema

Out: From Sender
In: To Receiver
1Success Account Enquiry OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
2Message Validation Failure 1Request from OFI:
  • Signature could not be verified
  • Message parsing failed
  • Mandatory fields level validation failed
  • Unknown inbound message
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPOFIOut: admi.002.001.01
In: admi.002.001.01
3Message Validation Failure 2Request from RPP:
  • Signature could not be verified
  • Message parsing failed
  • Mandatory fields level validation failed
  • Unknown inbound message
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: admi.002.001.01
In: admi.002.001.01
RPPOFIOut: admi.002.001.01
In: admi.002.001.01
4Message Validation Failure 3Response from RFI:
  • Signature could not be verified
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
5Message Validation Failure 4Response from RPP:
  • Signature could not be verified
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
6Business Validation Failure
  • RFI is not a participant of RPP
  • Invalid Date
  • RFI is inactive
OFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: NA
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: NA
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
7Beneficiary Account Validation FailureRFI returns a negative response due to account related validation failure like Invalid Account, Account Closed, Account On hold, Account Blacklisted and etcOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
8Timeout 1RPP did not receive requestOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: NA
In: NA
In: NA
In: NA
9Timeout 2RFI did not receive requestOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: NA
In: NA
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
10Timeout 3RPP did not receive responseOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: NA
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
11Timeout 4OFI did not receive responseOFIRPPOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RPPRFIOut: pacs.008.001.06
In: pacs.008.001.06
RFIRPPOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: pacs.002.001.08
RPPOFIOut: pacs.002.001.08
In: NA

See also