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DuitNow AutoDebit

See also API reference for DuitNow Autodebit


DuitNow AutoDebit is a convenient and efficient collection method for businesses or billing organization to collect payment directly from customer’s bank account, in a recurring or on-demand basis with a pre-established consent in 1 place.


Consent is a form of approval for someone to do something. In this context, customer is giving approval (consent) for businesses to debit from their bank account.

Example banner

Example banner

2MerchantRPPMerchant will perform the following:
  • Authorize and validate Consent Registration request
  • Send Consent Registration request to RPP

RPP performs the following:

  • Message Logging
  • Message Validation
    • Message Format Validation
    • Digital Signature Validation
  • Business Validation
    • Timeout Validation
    • Transaction Type Validation
    • Date Expiry Check
    • Allowed Max Amount Check

If any of the Message Validation fails, RPP will

  • Send a REJECT response to Merchant

If any of the Business Validation fails, RPP will

  • Send a NEGATIVE response to Merchant

If all validations are successful, RPP will

    Generate Signature with End-to-End ID Send an ACCEPTED response back to Merchant with End-to-End ID and Signature


  • Timeout is set at 20 seconds
4MerchantDebiting Agent

Merchant performs the following

  • Stop timer
  • Message Validation
    • Message Format Validation
    • Digital Signature Verification

If all validations are successful, Merchant will

  • Redirect Customer to selected bank
  • Sends End-to-End ID and Signature to Debiting Agent

Exception Handling

2, 3Timeout (Merchant gets no response from RPP)


  • If RPP received the request and processed it, but RPP's response failed to send to Merchant/Biller at Step 3, then the transaction is logged and a PENDING status Consent Request is created but is orphaned in the staging table
  • If RPP never received the request, no action on RPP side


  • Merchant may not send a duplicate of the request after a timeout. Merchant can send a new request
2, 3Rejection


  • RPP logs reject, returns reject status to Merchant. If RPP responds with reject after storing a pending Consent Request record in staging table, the record will be orphaned, no reference to it will be sent back to Merchant in the rejection response


  • -

Example banner

1Debiting AgentRPP

Debiting Agent Performs the following

  • Validate Signature from Merchant
  • Send Retrieve Consent Info Request based on End-to-End ID
  • Start timer
2RPPDebiting Agent

RPP performs the following

  • Message Logging
  • Message Validation
    • Message Format Validation
    • Digital Signature Validation
  • Business Validation
    • Timeout Validation
    • Transaction Type Validation
    • Check Consent Staging Status

If any of the Message Validation fails, RPP will

  • Send a REJECT response to Debiting Agent

If any of the Business Validation fails, RPP will

  • Send a NEGATIVE response to Debiting Agent

If all validations are successful, RPP will

  • Return Retrieve Consent Info Response
3CustomerDebiting AgentCustomer login into Mobile/Internet Banking portal of Debiting Agent
4Debiting AgentCustomer

Debiting Agent performs the following:

  • Perform Login Validation

If Login Validation fails Debiting Agent will

  • Reject Customer Login and return error code

If validation is successful

  • Display Consent Detail to customer

Exception Handling

1,2Timeout (Debiting Agent gets no response from RPP)


  • If RPP received the request and processed it, but RPP's response failed to return to Debiting Agent at Step 2, then the transaction is logged, and the PENDING of Consent request status may be updated to RETRIEVED
  • If RPP never received the request, no action on RPP side

Debiting Agent

  • Debiting Agent may re-request after a timeout. RPP shall return the consent info if the consent status still in PENDING or RETRIEVED state


  • RPP may reject based on parameter validation, in this case the PENDING status of Consent request record remains at status PENDING

Debiting Agent

  • -

Example banner

1CustomerDebiting Agent

Customer performs the following

  • Confirm Consent Detail
  • Confirm Consent Detail


  • Update to Pending Authorisation is an optional step for scenarios where the Consent Registration needs to be updated to Pending Authorisation for two level Authentication
2Debiting AgentRPP

Debiting Agent performs the following

  • Validate Customer Response
  • Any other validation
  • Send Update Consent Status request to RPP


  • If customer selects multiple consent type, Debiting Agent will send multiple Update Consent Status request
3RPPDebiting Agent

RPP performs the following:

  • Message Logging
  • Message Validation
    • Message Format Validation
    • Digital Signature Verification
  • Business Validation
    • Mandatory and conditional fields validation
    • Business Message Identifier validation
    • Timeout Validation
    • Transaction Type Validation
    • Allowed Max Amount Check
    • Expiry Date Check
    • Check Consent Staging Status

If any of the Message Validation fails, RPP will

  • Send a REJECT response to Debiting Agent

If any of the Business Validation fails, RPP will

  • Send a NEGATIVE response to Debiting Agent

If all validations are successful, RPP will

  • If Debiting Agent sends an Update Consent Status to PDAU (Pending Authorisaton);
    • Update Consent Staging Table Status to PDAU
  • If Debiting Agent sends an Update Consent Status to ACTV (Active);
    • Update Consent Staging Table Status to SUCC (Success)
    • Create entry in Consent Table
    • Generate Consent ID
    • Set Consent Status as ACTV
  • Send the ACCEPTED response to Debiting Agent


  • Timeout is set at 20 seconds

RPP performs the following:

  • Notify Merchant of Update Payment Status via Merchant Notification API
5Debiting AgentCustomerDebiting Agent will display the Consent Registration status to the Customer

Exception Handling

2,3Timeout (Debiting Agent gets no response from RPP)


  • RPP may or may not have updated the RETRIEVED status of Consent Request to COMPLETE

Debiting Agent:

  • Debiting Agent has already saved the Consent before attempting the send of Consent Registration Fulfillment request. The request may be sent again by Debiting Agent but may get rejected if Consent Request status had been updated by previous timed-out request


  • If field validation error, RPP sends an error message to Debiting Agent (at Step 3) with details of field validation failure, and the request message is logged in the reject log
  • If Session/Business Rule validation failure or other error within session: Transaction is logged, and RPP sends response with rejection status/reason code to Debiting Agent. Consent Registration status notification (Not Approved) is sent to Merchant

Debiting Agent:

  • Debiting Agent has already saved the debtor before attempting the send of Consent Registration Fulfilment request. Debiting Agent has rejection information so can process accordingly
4,5Timeout (RPP gets no response from Merchant)


  • Sent by SAF, SAF will continue to re-send while timeout occurs on send attempts


  • -


  • Sent by SAF, SAF will log the reject response (sent from RFI in Step 3A) in SAF log and consider the request as sent and responded to


  • -

Merchant Initiated Cancellation (After Step 8, before step 14)

After Step 8, a Merchant may initiate a Cancellation Request of the Consent in the Redirect Flow. However, this request must be initiated before Step 14 where the Customer would have already approved the consent

Example banner


Merchant will perform the following:

  • Send a Cancellation Request to RPP
  • Start timer

RPP performs the following

  • Message Logging
  • Message Validation
    • Message Format Validation
    • Digital Signature Validation
  • Business Validation
    • Timeout Validation
    • Transaction Type Validation
    • Check Consent Staging Status

If any of the Message Validation fails, RPP will

  • Send a REJECT response to Merchant

If any of the Business Validation fails, RPP will

  • Send a NEGATIVE response to Merchant

If all validations are successful, RPP will

  • Change status of Consent in staging table to CANC (Cancel)
  • Send an ACCEPTED response back to Merchant

Exception Handling

1,2Timeout (Merchant gets no response from RPP)


  • -


  • Merchant shall not send a repeat request after a timeout
  • Merchant can perform enquiry to check the status of the Consent in the staging table
  • Merchant can send a new request


  • If field validation error, RPP sends an error message to Merchant at Step 2, with details of field validation failure, and the request message is logged in the reject log
  • If Session/Business Rule validation failure or other error within session: Transaction is logged, and RPP sends response with rejection status/reason code to Merchant at Step 2


  • Merchant has rejection information so can process accordingly

Debit Flow

With customer registered for DuitNow AutoDebit, businesses may initiate the debit request to start collect the payment from customer’s bank account.

The figure below explains in detail the process of initiating the debit request.

Example banner

1CustomerMerchantCustomer proceed to checkout at Merchant portal/app
2MerchantRPPMerchant identify that there’s consent in place and initiate Debit Request to RPP
3RPPDebiting ParticipantRPP validate the consent details and forward the Debit Request to the Debiting Participant
4Debiting ParticipantCustomerDebiting Participant debit Customer’s account and notify Customer
5Debiting ParticipantRPPDebiting Participant debit Customer’s account and notify RPP on the debit status
6RPPMerchantRPP send the Debit Response to Merchant
7MerchantCustomerMerchant update Customer on the transaction status
8RPPCrediting ParticipantRPP send Credit Transfer to Crediting Participant
9Debiting ParticipantMerchantCrediting Participant update Merchant on the crediting status