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PKI Management

What is Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)


Participants are allowed to have more than one certificate/key tied to each profile and can choose which one to use for signing and verification.

The DuitNow API uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which is a technology for authenticating users and devices in the digital world. The basic idea is to have one or more trusted parties digitally sign documents certifying that a particular cryptographic key belongs to a particular user or device.

The main feature of PKI is that it uses a pair of different but related keys. The key pair consists of the public key and the private key. The public key can be shared whereas the private key must be kept secret. The key pair guarantees that information encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted by the intended recipient, the holder of the private key. Conversely, when the information is encrypted with the private key and decrypted with the public key, the key pair guarantees that the information originated from a trusted source.

Refer to the PKI flow:

PKI Diagram

1. The sender signs the original message with the sender's private key.

2. The signed message is sent securely over to the recipient.

3. The signed message can only be verified by the corresponding public key before the recipient can consume the message.

The certificate is the mechanism by which the public key is shared. A certificate is authorised by a trusted source, known as the certificate authority (CA). Participants are required to generate their own private key in RSA-SHA256 format. Once this key is generated, they will need to create a certificate to be uploaded to RPP before the API can be consumed.

How to Generate Key Pair

Using OpenSSL

Step 1: Generate private key and CSR (Certificate Signing Request)

openssl req \
-newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout example.key \
-out example.csr

Step 2: Generate self-signed certificate from generated CSR


For production usage, this certificate must be created by valid Certificate Authority (CA). Self-signed certificate only valid for sandbox usage.

openssl x509 \
-signkey example.key \
-in example.csr \
-req -days 365 -out example.cer

How to Download the RPP Key

Step 1: Under the My Projects page, click the three dots ... next to your DuitNow project and click View project.

Screenshot of My Projects - View project

Step 2: On the project page, under the relevant environment section (e.g. Sandbox) click the Assets tab.

Screenshot of Sandbox tabs

Step 3: Under the Assets tab, click the Download button next to RPP Public Key.

Screenshot of Assets tab

Where to Upload Your Merchant Key

Step 1: Under the My Projects page, click the three dots ... next to your DuitNow project and click View project.

Screenshot of My Projects - View project

Step 2: On the project page, under the relevant environment section (e.g. Sandbox) you will see a list of Assignments. Click the three dots ... next to Registration and click Edit profile.

Screenshot of Sandbox Registration - Edit profile

Step 3: Under the DuitNow Merchant Registration tab, you will first need to fill in all the fields under Merchant Details, Merchant Contact Details and Merchant Product Details.

Screenshot of Merchant Registration tab

Then under the Merchant Public Key section, upload your generated public key and click the Save button. Screenshot of Merchant Registration tab - Merchant Public Key