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DuitNow QR (Acquirer)

1. QR Account Enquiry

Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
QRTC#001Acquirer Responds to RPP: Valid QR Category
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer responds with value 01 only.
  • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response
  • ACSP 00

  • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
  • ACSP U000
QRTC#002Acquirer Responds to RPP: Mandatory Field Validation
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer responds with <CdtrAcctCstmrCtg> whichever applicable.
  3. Accept the following values:
    • RET - Retail
    • COR - Corporate
    • OTH - Other
  • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response
  • ACSP 00

  • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
  • ACSP U000
QRTC#003Acquirer Responds to RPP: Field Value Validation
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer responds with <AcceptedPymtType> whichever applicable.
  3. Accept the following values:
    • 01 - CASA
    • 03 - eWallet
  • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response
  • ACSP 00

  • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
  • ACSP U000
QRTC#004Acquirer Responds to RPP: Whitelisted Special Characters
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer responds with whitelisted special characters in the Merchant Name/Creditor Name.
    Field Type: NameSplChars
    List Value: [A-Za-z0-9 @'/&()._-,\`*]:#+!";$%^{}~
    NOTE: Issuer should send the XML escape characters of the above special characters. Otherwise, txn will be rejected
  • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response
  • ACSP 00

  • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
  • ACSP U000
QRTC#005Acquirer Responds to RPP: Whitelisted Special Characters
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer responds with whitelisted special characters in the Recipient Reference.
    Field Type: ReferenceSplChars
    List Value: +'_-.,\()/:?A-Za-z0-9@
  • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response
  • ACSP 00

  • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
  • ACSP U000
QRTC#006Acquirer Responds to RPP: Whitelisted Special Characters
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer responds with whitelisted special characters in the Debtor Name.
    Field Type: NameSplChars
    List Value: [A-Za-z0-9 @'/&()._-,\`*]:#+!";$%^{}~
  • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response
  • ACSP 00

  • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
  • ACSP U000
QRTC#007Acquirer Unable to Respond
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer unable to respond within 15 sec.
  • Acquirer send ACSP 00 > 15 sec

  • Issuer receives a negative response
  • U171
QRTC#008Acquirer Responds to RPP: Account Status Validation
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer return negative response.
    - Beneficiary Account is dormant
    - Beneficiary Account is invalid
    - Beneficiary Account is closed
    - Beneficiary Account is blaclisted
    - Beneficiary Account is on hold or blocked
    - Beneficiary is deceased
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response
  • RJCT 45

  • Issuer receives a negative response
  • RJCT 45
QRTC#009Acquirer Responds to RPP: Expired QR
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer return negative response.
    - Expired QR
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response
  • RJCT 48

  • Issuer receives a negative response
  • RJCT 48

QRTC#010Acquirer Responds to RPP: QR Merchant Status Validation
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer return negative response.
    - Merchant Inactive / Suspended / Terminated
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response
  • RJCT 49

  • Issuer receives a negative response
  • RJCT 49
QRTC#011Acquirer Responds to RPP: Account Number Validation
  1. Issuer sends an AE request.
  2. Acquirer return negative response.
    - Account does not exist or invalid
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response
  • RJCT 52 No current account
  • RJCT 53 No saving account
  • RJCT N3 Invalid account

  • Issuer receives a negative response
  • RJCT 52 or 53 or N3

2. QR Credit Transfer

Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
QMTC#001Acquirer Responds to RPP: Field Value Validation

Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

  1. Issuer sends CT request
  2. Acquirer responds with <AcceptedPymtType> with multiple values = 01, 03
Successful Transaction
  • Acquirer responds with a successful CT response
  • ACSP 00

  • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
  • ACSP U000
    QMTC#002Acquirer Responds to RPP: SAF Retry (Success)

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Issuer sends CT request
    2. Acquirer unable to respond within 10 sec
    3. Issuer receive ACTC U002
    4. RPP send SAF retry
    5. Acquirer respond with ACSP 00
      Note: Kindly request assistance from Acquirer to simulate this scenario.
    Successful Transaction
    • Acquirer responds with a successful CT response
    • ACSP 00

    • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted stored in SAF
    • ACTC U002
    QMTC#003Acquirer Responds to RPP: SAF Retry (No Response - Timeout)

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Issuer sends CT request
    2. Acquirer unable to respond within 10 sec
    3. Issuer receive ACTC U002
    4. RPP send SAF retry
    5. Acquirer response but RPP rejected the response with admi or Acquirer did not response the request
    6. SAF retry time out / reach max retry
      Note: Kindly request assistance from Acquirer to simulate this scenario.
    Successful Transaction
    • Acquirer does not send any response

    • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted stored in SAF
    • ACTC U002
    QMTC#004Acquirer Responds to RPP: SAF Retry (Rejected)

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Issuer sends CT request
    2. Acquirer unable to respond within 10 sec
    3. Issuer receive ACTC U002
    4. RPP send SAF retry
    5. Acquirer respond with RJCT XX
      Note: Kindly request assistance from Acquirer to simulate this scenario.
      Note: By right for QR Payment, SAF should not be rejected. This is to test if RPP will reject or accept the rejected response.
    Successful Transaction
    • Acquirer responds with a rejected CT response
    • Any RJCT code

    • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted stored in SAF
    • ACTC U002
      Note: For QR - SAF should not have rejection from Acquirer end.
    QMTC#005Acquirer Responds to RPP: Whitelisted Special Characters

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with whitelisted special characters in the Debtor Name (Max140Text).
      Field Type: NameSplChars
      List Value: [A-Za-z0-9 @'/&()._-,\`*]:#+!";$%^{}~
      NOTE: Issuer should send the XML escape characters of the above special characters. Otherwise, txn will be rejected
    Successful Transaction
    • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response
    • ACSP 00

    • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
    • ACSP U000
    QMTC#006Acquirer Responds to RPP: Whitelisted Special Characters

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with whitelisted special characters in the Merchant Name/Creditor Name (Max140Text).
      Field Type: NameSplChars
      List Value: [A-Za-z0-9 @'/&()._-,\`*]:#+!";$%^{}~
      NOTE: Issuer should send the XML escape characters of the above special characters. Otherwise, txn will be rejected
    Successful Transaction
    • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response
    • ACSP 00

    • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
    • ACSP U000
    QMTC#007Acquirer Responds to RPP: Whitelisted Special Characters

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with whitelisted special characters in the Recipient Reference (Max140Text)
      Field Type: ReferenceSplChars
      List Value: +'_-.,\()/:?A-Za-z0-9@
      NOTE: Issuer should send the XML escape characters of the above special characters. Otherwise, txn will be rejected
    Successful Transaction
    • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response
    • ACSP 00

    • Issuer receives success/transaction accepted
    • ACSP U000
    QMTC#008Acquirer Responds to RPP: Invalid Transaction

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with invalid transaction.
      Note: Kindly request acquirer bank to help simulate this. Acquirer need to provide the scenario for invalid transaction
    Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Invalid Transaction
    • Acquirer responds with a negative response
    • RJCT 12

    • Issuer receives a negative response
    • RJCT 12
    QMTC#009Acquirer Responds to RPP: Invalid Amount

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with invalid amount
      Note: Kindly request acquirer bank to help simulate this. Acquirer need to provide the amount that will be rejected as invalid
    Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Invalid Amount
    • Acquirer responds with a negative response
    • RJCT 13

    • Issuer receives a negative response
    • RJCT 13
    QMTC#010Acquirer Responds to RPP: Acquirer sends negative response to RPP Internal Bank Error at Bank's System

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Issuer sends a good request.
    2. Acquirer internal Bank error at Bank's System during CT
    Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Bank System Error
    • Acquirer responds with Internal Bank Error at Bank's System
    • RJCT 29

    • Issuer receives a negative response
    • RJCT 29
    QMTC#011Acquirer Responds to RPP: Invalid Account Status

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with negative response
      - Beneficiary Account is dormant
      - Beneficiary Account is invalid
      - Beneficiary Account is closed
      - Beneficiary Account is blaclisted
      - Beneficiary Account is on hold or blocked
      - Beneficiary is deceased
    Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Invalid Account Status
    • Acquirer responds with a negative response
    • RJCT 45

    • Issuer receives a negative response
    • RJCT 45
    QMTC#012Acquirer Responds to RPP: Invalid Source of Fund

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with invalid Source of Fund (different with AE response)
    Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Invalid SOF
    • Acquirer responds with a negative response
    • RJCT 47

    • Issuer receives a negative response
    • RJCT 47
    QMTC#013Acquirer Responds to RPP: Expired QR

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with negative response
    Rejected Transaction by Acquirer - Expired QR
    • Acquirer responds with a negative response
    • RJCT 48

    • Issuer receives a negative response
    • RJCT 48
    QMTC#014Acquirer Responds to RPP: Invalid Merchant

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with negative response
      - Merchant Inactive / Suspended / Terminated
    Rejected Transaction by Acquirer - Invalid Merchant
    • Acquirer responds with a negative response
    • RJCT 49

    • Issuer receives a negative response
    • RJCT 49
    QMTC#015Acquirer Responds to RPP: Invalid Account

    Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful

    1. Acquirer bank responds CT request with negative response
      - Account does not exist or invalid
    Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Invalid Account
    • Acquirer responds with a negative response
    • RJCT 52 No current account
    • RJCT 53 No saving account
    • RJCT N3 Invalid account

    • Issuer receives a negative response
    • RJCT 52 or 53 or N3

    3. QR Transaction Enquiry

    Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
    TETC#001Issuer: Successful Single Transaction Enquiry for Successful Transaction

    Pre-requisite: Issuer customer must have successful transaction.

    1. Issuer to key in BizMsgIdr from the bank channel
    2. Bank backend will initiate the Transaction Enquiry to RPP
    • Message Schema: camt.005.001.08
    • Transaction Type: 630
    Successful Transaction Enquiry
    • Enquiry Status Code: ACSP
    • Enquiry Status Reason Code: U000

    • Payment Status Code: ACSP
    • Payment Status Reason Code: U000

    Message Schema: camt.006.001.08
    TETC#002Issuer: Successful Single Transaction Enquiry for Accepted Transaction

    Pre-requisite: Issuer customer must have accepted transaction.

    1. Issuer to key in BizMsgIdr from the bank channel
    2. Bank backend will initiate the Transaction Enquiry to RPP
    • Message Schema: camt.005.001.08
    • Transaction Type: 630
    Successful Transaction Enquiry
    • Enquiry Status Code: ACSP
    • Enquiry Status Reason Code: U000

    • Payment Status Code: ACTC
    • Payment Status Reason Code: U002

    Message Schema: camt.006.001.08
    TETC#003Issuer: Successful Single Transaction Enquiry for Rejected Transaction

    Pre-requisite: Issuer customer must have rejected transaction.

    1. Issuer to key in BizMsgIdr from the bank channel
    2. Bank backend will initiate the Transaction Enquiry to RPP
    • Message Schema: camt.005.001.08
    • Transaction Type: 630
    Successful Transaction Enquiry
    • Enquiry Status Code: ACSP
    • Enquiry Status Reason Code: U000

    • Payment Status Code: RJCT
    • Payment Status Reason Code: Any rejection code

    Message Schema: camt.006.001.08
    TETC#004Issuer Request to RPP: Successful (No QR Payment)
    1. Issuer key in wrong/not exist BizMsgIdr from the bank channel
    2. Bank backend will initiate the Transaction Enquiry to RPP
    • Message Schema: camt.005.001.08
    • Transaction Type: 630
    Successful Transaction Enquiry
    • Status Code: ACSP
    • Status Reason Code: U000
    • "Record Not Found"

    Message Schema: camt.006.001.08
    TETC#005Issuer Request to RPP: Bank Timeout (No request send to RPP)
    1. Issuer to key in BizMsgIdr from the bank channel
    2. Bank backend will initiate the Transaction Enquiry to RPP but timeout
    3. No request reach RPP
    4. Bank to display error information
    • Message Schema: camt.005.001.08
    • Transaction Type: 630
    Timeout Transaction Enquiry
    • Status Code: None
    • Status Reason Code: None

    • Bank to display the error information
    No message schema sent out
    TETC#006Issuer Request to RPP: Timeout (No response received by bank)
    1. Issuer to key in BizMsgIdr from the bank channel
    2. Bank backend will initiate the Transaction Enquiry to RPP
    3. RPP responds to the request but bank timeout
    4. Bank unable to receive the response
    • Message Schema: camt.005.001.08
    • Transaction Type: 630
    Timeout Transaction Enquiry
    • Status Code: None
    • Status Reason Code: None
    • Bank to display the error information

    Message Schema: camt.006.001.08
    TETC#007Issuer Requests to RPP: Request within 24 hours
    1. Issuer send request for 031 BizMsgIdr in within 24 hours
    • Message Schema: camt.005.001.08
    • Transaction Type: 630
    Timeout Transaction Enquiry
    • Enquiry Status Code: ACSP
    • Enquiry Status Reason Code: U000
    Message Schema: camt.006.001.08
    TETC#008Issuer Requests to RPP: Request after 24 hours
    1. Issuer send request for 031 BizMsgIdr after 24 hours
    • Message Schema: camt.005.001.08
    • Transaction Type: 630
    Successful Transaction Enquiry
    • Enquiry Status Code: ACSP
    • Enquiry Status Reason Code: U000
    • "Record Not Found"
    Message Schema: camt.006.001.08
    TETC#009Issuer: Single Transaction Enquiry for Successful 031 Transaction from Non Issuer

    Pre-requisite: Non issuer must have successful transaction.

    1. Issuer to key in the successful BizMsgIdr of the non issuer
    2. Bank backend will initiate the Transaction Enquiry to RPP
    3. Bank unable to receive the response
    • Message Schema: camt.005.001.08
    • Transaction Type: 630
    Timeout Transaction Enquiry
    • Status Code: None
    • Status Reason Code: None

    • Bank to display the error information
    No message schema sent out

    4. Report Verification via FI Report Server

    Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
    RPFI#001CBPSR01: Participant Settlement ReportThis is the RPP Settlement report generated for the Participant at each settlement cycle (Cycle 1 & Cycle 2).
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBPSR01_yyyymmdd_cycle
    • Frequency: Per cycle (2 cycles per day)
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#002CBPSR01: Participant Settlement ReportThis is the RPP Settlement report generated for the Participant daily.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBPSR01_yyyymmdd_DAILY
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#003CBPSR02: Participant Settlement ReportThis is the RPP Settlement report generated for the Participant at each settlement cycle (Cycle 1 & Cycle 2).
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBPSR02_yyyymmdd_cycle
    • Frequency: Per cycle (2 cycles per day)
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#004CBPSR02: Participant Settlement ReportThis is the RPP Settlement report generated for the Participant daily.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBPSR02_yyyymmdd_DAILY
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#005CBTAR01: Transaction Daily ReportThis is the daily report generated that contains all the RPP transactions (with status ACSP, ACTC and RJCT) initiated or received by the Participant.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBTAR01_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#006CBTAR02: Transaction Daily FileThis is the daily file generated that contains all the RPP transactions (with status ACSP, ACTC and RJCT) initiated or received by the Participant.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBTAR02_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPFI#007CBTAR03: Transaction Settlement Cycle ReportThis is the daily report generated that contains all the RPP transactions (with status ACSP and ACTC) initiated or received by the Participant at each settlement cycle (Cycle 1 & Cycle 2).
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBTAR03_yyyymmdd_cycle
    • Frequency: Per cycle (2 cycles per day)
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#008CBTAR04: Transaction Settlement Cycle FileThis is the daily file generated that contains all the RPP transactions (with status ACSP and ACTC) initiated or received by the Participant at each settlement cycle (Cycle 1 & Cycle 2).
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBTAR04_yyyymmdd_cycle
    • Frequency: Per cycle (2 cycles per day)
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPFI#009SRTR01: SAF Rejected Transactions ReportThis is the report generated that contains transactions that were rejected by the RFI during the store and forward (SAF) process.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SRTR01_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#010SRTR02: SAF Rejected Transactions FileThis is the file generated that contains transactions that were rejected by the RFI during the store and forward (SAF) process.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SRTR02_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPFI#011SRTR03: SAF Successful Transactions ReportThis is the report generated that contains transactions that were successfully accepted by the RFI during the store and forward (SAF) process.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SRTR03_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#012SRTR04: SAF Rejected Transactions FileThis is the file generated that contains transactions that were successfully accepted by the RFI during the store and forward (SAF) process.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SRTR04_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPFI#013SER01: SAF Exception ReportThis is the report generated that contains transactions that have not been cleared from SAF. Reasons for the exception can be any of the following:
    • Timeout happens in RPP when sending SAF transactions
    • RFI is inactive so SAF transactions cannot be sent

    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SER01_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#014SER02: SAF Exception FileThis is the file generated that contains transactions that have not been cleared from SAF. Reasons for the exception can be any of the following:
    • Timeout happens in RPP when sending SAF transactions
    • RFI is inactive so SAF transactions cannot be sent

    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SER02_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPFI#015PFMR01: Participant Fee Monthly ReportThis is the report generated for the Participant monthly to inform on the fees incurred within the month.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_PFMR01_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: Once per month (2nd day of the month)
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPFI#016PFMR02: Participant Fee Monthly FileThis is the file generated for the Participant monthly to inform on the fees incurred within the month.
    • Login to FI Report Server
    • Bank able to see folder
    • Download the particular report
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_PFMR02_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: Once per month (2nd day of the month)
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)

    5. Report Verification via Back Office Portal

    Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
    RPBO#001CBPSR01: Participant Settlement ReportThis is the RPP Settlement report generated for the Participant at each settlement cycle (Cycle 1 & Cycle 2).
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "CBPSR01"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBPSR01_yyyymmdd_cycle
    • Frequency: Per cycle (2 cycles per day)
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#002CBPSR01: Participant Settlement ReportThis is the RPP Settlement report generated for the Participant daily.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "CBPSR01"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBPSR01_yyyymmdd_DAILY
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#003CBPSR02: Participant Settlement ReportThis is the RPP Settlement report generated for the Participant at each settlement cycle (Cycle 1 & Cycle 2).
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "CBPSR02"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBPSR02_yyyymmdd_cycle
    • Frequency: Per cycle (2 cycles per day)
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#004CBPSR02: Participant Settlement ReportThis is the RPP Settlement report generated for the Participant daily.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "CBPSR02"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBPSR02_yyyymmdd_DAILY
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#005CBTAR01: Transaction Daily ReportThis is the daily report generated that contains all the RPP transactions (with status ACSP, ACTC and RJCT) initiated or received by the Participant.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "CBTAR01"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBTAR01_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#006CBTAR02: Transaction Daily FileThis is the daily file generated that contains all the RPP transactions (with status ACSP, ACTC and RJCT) initiated or received by the Participant.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "CBTAR02"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBTAR02_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPBO#007CBTAR03: Transaction Settlement Cycle ReportThis is the daily report generated that contains all the RPP transactions (with status ACSP and ACTC) initiated or received by the Participant at each settlement cycle (Cycle 1 & Cycle 2).
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "CBTAR03"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBTAR03_yyyymmdd_cycle
    • Frequency: Per cycle (2 cycles per day)
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#008CBTAR04: Transaction Settlement Cycle FileThis is the daily file generated that contains all the RPP transactions (with status ACSP and ACTC) initiated or received by the Participant at each settlement cycle (Cycle 1 & Cycle 2).
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "CBTAR04"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_CBTAR04_yyyymmdd_cycle
    • Frequency: Per cycle (2 cycles per day)
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPBO#009SRTR01: SAF Rejected Transactions ReportThis is the report generated that contains transactions that were rejected by the RFI during the store and forward (SAF) process.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "SRTR01"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SRTR01_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#010SRTR02: SAF Rejected Transactions FileThis is the file generated that contains transactions that were rejected by the RFI during the store and forward (SAF) process.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "SRTR02"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SRTR02_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPBO#011SRTR03: SAF Successful Transactions ReportThis is the report generated that contains transactions that were successfully accepted by the RFI during the store and forward (SAF) process.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "SRTR03"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SRTR03_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#012SRTR04: SAF Rejected Transactions FileThis is the file generated that contains transactions that were successfully accepted by the RFI during the store and forward (SAF) process.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "SRTR04"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SRTR04_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPBO#013SER01: SAF Exception ReportThis is the report generated that contains transactions that have not been cleared from SAF. Reasons for the exception can be any of the following:
    • Timeout happens in RPP when sending SAF transactions
    • RFI is inactive so SAF transactions cannot be sent

    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "SER01"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SER01_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#014SER02: SAF Exception FileThis is the file generated that contains transactions that have not been cleared from SAF. Reasons for the exception can be any of the following:
    • Timeout happens in RPP when sending SAF transactions
    • RFI is inactive so SAF transactions cannot be sent

    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "SER02"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_SER02_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: End of Day
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)
    RPBO#015PFMR01: Participant Fee Monthly ReportThis is the report generated for the Participant monthly to inform on the fees incurred within the month.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "PFMR01"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_PFMR01_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: Once per month (2nd day of the month)
    • Format: PDF (.pdf)
    RPBO#016PFMR02: Participant Fee Monthly FileThis is the file generated for the Participant monthly to inform on the fees incurred within the month.
    • Login to Back Office Portal as Participant User Maker/Checker
    • Navigate to Participant Report
    • Input at "Report Name" field : "PFMR02"
    • Click [Search] button
    • Click [Download] image button
    • Verify the details of transaction in RPP Report
    Bank able to download the report successfully which follow the correct naming convention, format and perform verification:
    • Naming Convention: RPP_BICCODE_PFMR02_yyyymmdd
    • Frequency: Once per month (2nd day of the month)
    • Format: DATA FILE (.txt)
    Delimited File (Using Pipe Char - |)