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Sign-On And Sign-Off Request

See also API reference for Network Administration


The Sign-On Request message is used to perform sign-on to the RPP system. Sign-On is normally sent when the Participant’s real-time services is back online after a scheduled maintenance. This enables the Participant to go back online with RPP and be able to send and receive payment requests.

A system notification message will be sent to the other Active Participants on any change in status of a Participant.

Successful Sign On





Participant initiates a Sign-On request

  • If a Participant has subscribed to a Bank Connector, their request will be sent to the connector, which will then forward it to the RPP host.
  • A participant can have multiple signing on ports available, but they are only required to sign in from one of those ports.




When RPP receives the request, it will:

  • Sign-on the Participant into the RPP system
  • Set the status of the Participant to Active
  • Send a broadcast message to the other Active Participant

Sign-Off Request

The Sign-Off Request message is used to sign-off a Participant from the RPP system. A successful sign-off will prevent the Participant from being able to send and receive payment requests. The Sign Off Request is usually sent before bringing down the Participant’s real-time services for a scheduled maintenance.

A system notification message will be sent to the other Active Participants on any change in status of a Participant.

Successful Sign Off





Participant initiates a Sign-Off request


For Participant that subscribed to a Bank Connector, the request shall be sent to the connector which in return will forward to RPP host




When RPP receives the request, it will:

  • Sign-off the Participant into the RPP system
  • Set the status of the Participant to Inactive
  • Send a broadcast message to the other Active Participant

Exception Conditions

When any Participant has signed-on to RPP, signed-off from RPP, or deemed inactive by RPP, RPP will send a broadcast to the other active Participants to inform them of the change in status of the Participant.


RPP sent a request to Participant but did not receive any response 

As no response is received from Participant after maximum number of retries, RPP will mark the request as timeout

RPP shall:

  • Set the Participant status to Inactive
  • Send a broadcast message to all active Participants

