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DuitNow QR (Acquirer)

1. QR Account Enquiry

Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
QRTC#097Acquirer's response to RPP hits timeout
  1. Issuer sends a good AE request to RPP.
  2. RPP sends out the AE request to Acquirer.
  3. Acquirer is unable to respond within 15 sec.
  • Issuer receives a negative response (pacs.
  • RC U171 (Online Authorization Exception)
QRTC#114Acquirer responds to RPP: Account Status validation
  1. Issuer sends a good AE request to RPP.
  2. RPP sends out the AE request to Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response (pacs.
  • Issuer receives a negative response (pacs.
  • RC 45
QRTC#115Acquirer responds to RPP: Account Number is Invalid
  1. Issuer sends a good AE request to RPP.
  2. RPP sends out the AE request to Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response (pacs.
  • Issuer receives a negative response (pacs.
  • RC 52 or 53 or N3
QRTC#117Acquirer responds to RPP: Expired QR
  1. Issuer to send an AE request with expired QR.
  2. RPP sends out the AE request to Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response (pacs.
  • Issuer receives a negative response (pacs.
  • RC 48
QRTC#118Acquirer responds to RPP: Merchant Status validation
  1. Issuer sends a good AE request to RPP.
  2. RPP sends out the AE request to Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response (pacs.
  • Issuer receives a negative response (pacs.
  • RC 49
QRTC#119Acquirer responds to RPP: QR Code with special chars
  1. Issuer bank sends an AE request (pacs. with the following Special Characters (UTF-8 format) in the QR Code: Ampersand (&) , Apostrophe ( ' ), Double Quotate ( " )
  2. RPP sends out the AE request to Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with successful AE response (pacs. 00
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs.
  • RC U000 (Successful/Transaction Accepted)

2. QR Pay to Merchant

Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
QMTC#051QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Invalid Account rejected at QR Payment Leg
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends an invalid creditor account type / creditor account.
  3. Acquirer reject with invalid account
  • Rejected transaction by Acquirer -Invalid Account
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 52 or 53 (No Current Account)
  • 53 (No Savings Account)
  • N3 or 53 (Invalid Account)
QMTC#052QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Invalid Account rejected at QR Payment Leg
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends a request to account is: Beneficiary Account is dormant. or Beneficiary Account is closed. or Beneficiary Account is Blacklisted. or Beneficiary Account is hold / blocked. or Beneficiary is Deceased.
  3. Acquirer reject
  • Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Unable to Credit
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 45
QMTC#053QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Invalid Amount rejected at QR Payment Leg
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends request with an invalid amount
  3. Acquirer reject with invalid amount - RC 13
  • Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Invalid Amount
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 13
QMTC#054QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Format Error received at Acquirer
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends a good request.
  3. Acquirer receives a format error on the message (at Credit Transfer leg)
  4. RPP receives negative response (at Credit Transfer leg)
  • Rejected Transaction by Acquirer - Format Error
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 30
QMTC#055Acquirer Response to RPP: Acquirer sends negative response to RPP
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends a good request.
  3. Acquirer internal Bank error at Bank's System during QR Payment
  • Acquirer reject the transaction - Internal Bank Error at Bank's System
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 29
QMTC#056QR Pay to Merchant (POS): SAF Retry (Success)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment.
  3. RPP pass the message to Acquirer
  4. Acquirer receive message and response
  • Acquirer received the transaction (Successful transaction) and response back to OFI
  • Status Code: ACSP
  • Status Reason Code: 00
QMTC#057QR Pay to Merchant (POS): SAF Retry (No Response - TImeout)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends a good request.
  3. Acquirer stop processing incoming transaction.
  4. Issuer receive U002 ACTC
  5. RPP send SAF retry.
  6. Acquirer response but RPP rejected the response with admi or
  7. Acquirer did not response the request
  8. SAF retry time out / reach max retry
  9. Transaction went to SAF Exception.
  • Acquirer receive the request and did not response - SAF Retry timeout (SAF Exception).
  • Issuer receives U002
  • Acquirer will not response anything. This SAF transaction should appear in the report.
QMTC#058QR Pay to Merchant (POS): SAF Retry (Rejected)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. OFI send request to Acquirer
  3. Acquirer received and processed the transaction successfully, but connection drop at connector level (transaction go into SAF)
  4. SAF resend the transaction to Acquirer.
  5. Acquirer to reject the transaction and send back response to OFI
  • Acquirer received the processed transaction (Reject Transaction) and response back to OFI
  • Issuer should receive: Status Code: ACTC Status Reason Code: U002
  • Acquirer to response any reject code. Note: For QR - SAF should not have rejection from Acquirer end.
QMTC#060QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Acquirer response - Accepted Source of Fund more than 1 value at QR Pay response.
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Acquirer received Accepted Source of Fund as 01
  3. Acquirer response Accepted Source of Fund more than 1 value at QR Pay response.
  • Acquirer response accepted by Hub
  • U000
QMTC#062QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Acquirer response - Creditor Account Type not DFLT
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Acquirer response Creditor Account type other than DFLT, Prtry tag.
  • Acquirer response accepted by Hub
  • Acquirer response with Creditor Account Type other than DFLT, RC 00
  • Issuer receives: ACSP, U000
QMTC#064QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Invalid QR Category
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. issuer sends QR Payment with Creditor Account Type = CACC / SVGS / WALL instead of DFLT.
  • Acquirer response with RC 00
  • Issuer receives: ACSP, U000
QMTC#065QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Success Scenario of QR Payment Response
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment
  3. Acquirer response with Accepted Source of Fund = 01
  • Accepted Source of Fund = 01
  • Status Code: ACSP
  • Status Reason Code: 00
QMTC#066QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Success Scenario of QR Payment
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment
  3. Acquirer response with Accepted Source of Fund = 02
  • Accepted Source of Fund = 02
  • Status Code: ACSP
  • Status Reason Code: 00
QMTC#067QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Success Scenario of QR Payment
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment
  3. Acquirer response with Accepted Source of Fund = 03
  • Accepted Source of Fund = 03
  • Status Code: ACSP
  • Status Reason Code: 00
QMTC#068QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Acquirer response - Incorrect QR Category
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment
  3. RPP sends to Acquirer: QR Category as 01
  4. Acquirer response with 02
  • U000
QMTC#069Acquirer response to RPP: QR Payment with Whitelisted Character
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer bank sends a QR Payment Request (030) with below whitelisted special character in Creditor Name / Merchant Name field.
  3. Acquirer response back the whitelisted character in Creditor Name / Merchant Name field.
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. RC U000 (Successful/Transaction Accepted)
QMTC#070Acquirer to RPP: QR Payment Response from Acquirer Bank
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment with other value than EPAY in Category Purpose > Prtry tag.
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. RC U000 (Successful/Transaction Accepted)
QMTC#071Acquirer to RPP: QR Payment Response from Acquirer Bank
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment with Creditor Name other than QR Payment under CdtrNm tag
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. ACSP, U000
QMTC#073Acquirer to RPP: QR Payment Response from Acquirer Bank
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment with Creditor Account Type LOAN / CCRD instead of DFLT.
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. ACSP, U000
QMTC#074QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Merchant's POS Terminated / Suspended
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment
  3. Acquirer reject due to Merchant is terminated / suspended.
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 49
QMTC#075QR Pay to Merchant (POS): QR Expired (QR Dynamic)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. QR Pay to Merchant (POS): QR Expired
  3. QR Expired at Credit Transfer Leg
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 48
QMTC#076Acquirer response to RPP: QR Payment with Whitelisted Character
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer bank sends a QR Payment Request (030) with below whitelisted special character in Creditor ID / Merchant ID field
  3. Acquirer response back the whitelisted character in Creditor ID / Merchant ID field.
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. RC U000 (Successful/Transaction Accepted)

3. QR Pay to Person

Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
QPTC#038QR Pay to Person (P2P): Invalid Transaction
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends an invalid transaction.
  3. Acquirer reject with transaction not allowed.
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 12 or 57
QPTC#039QR Pay to Person (P2P): Invalid Account rejected at QR Payment Leg
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends an invalid creditor account type / creditor account
  3. Acquirer reject with invalid account
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 52 or 53 (No Current Account) , 53 (No Savings Account) , N3 or 53 (Invalid Account)
QPTC#040QR Pay to Person (P2P): Invalid Account rejected at QR Payment Leg
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends a request to account is: Beneficiary Account is dormant or Beneficiary Account is closed or Beneficiary Account is Blacklisted or Beneficiary Account is hold / blocked or Beneficiary is Deceased.
  3. Acquirer reject with invalid account
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 45
QPTC#041QR Pay to Person (P2P): SAF Retry (Success)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment.
  3. RPP pass the message to Acquirer
  4. Acquirer receive message and response
  • Status Code: ACSP
  • Status Reason Code: 00
QPTC#042QR Pay to Person (P2P): SAF Retry (No Response - TImeout)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends a good request.
  3. Acquirer stop processing incoming transaction.
  4. Issuer receive U002 ACTC
  5. RPP send SAF retry.
  6. Acquirer response but RPP rejected the response with admi or
  7. Acquirer did not response the request
  8. SAF retry time out / reach max retry
  9. Transaction went to SAF Exception.
  • Issuer receives U002
  • Acquirer will not response anything. This SAF transaction should appear in the report
QPTC#043QR Pay to Person (P2P): SAF Retry (Rejected)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. OFI send request to Acquirer
  3. Acquirer received and processed the transaction successfully, but connection drop at connector level (transaction go into SAF)
  4. SAF resend the transaction to Acquirer.
  5. Acquirer to reject the transaction and send back response to OFI
  • Issuer should receive: Status Code: ACTC , Status Reason Code: U002
  • Acquirer to response any reject code
QPTC#044QR Pay to Person (P2P): Acquirer response - Accepted Source of Fund more than 1 value at QR Pay response.
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Acquirer received Accepted Source of Fund as 01
  3. Acquirer response Accepted Source of Fund more than 1 value at QR Pay response.
  • U000
QPTC#046QR Pay to Person (P2P): Acquirer response - Accepted Source of Fund more than 1 value at QR Pay response.
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Acquirer response with Accepted Source of Fund = 01
  • Status Code: ACSP
  • Status Reason Code: 00
QPTC#048QR Pay to Person (P2P): Success Scenario of QR Payment
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Acquirer response with Accepted Source of Fund = 03
  • Status Code: ACSP
  • Status Reason Code: 00
QPTC#049Acquirer to RPP: QR Payment Response from Acquirer Bank
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Acquirer bank sends a QR Payment Response (040) with whitelisted special characters in the following Creditor Name
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. RC U000 (Successful/Transaction Accepted)
QPTC#050Acquirer to RPP: QR Payment Response from Acquirer Bank
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment with Creditor Name other than QR Payment under CdtrNm tag
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. ACSP, U000
QPTC#052QR Pay to Person (P2P): QR Expired (QR Dynamic)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. QR Expired at Credit Transfer Leg
  • Status Code: RJCT
  • Status Reason Code: 48
QPTC#053Acquirer Response to RPP: Business Validation
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Acquirer response for QR Payment which contain whitelisted special character in Creditor Name
  • Status Code: ACSP
  • Status Reason Code: U000