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DuitNow QR (Issuer)

1. QR Account Enquiry

Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
QRTC#001Issuer to RPP: Successful AE for Merchant
  1. Issuer sends a good AE request (pacs. QR Category: DFLT
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. RC U000 (Successful/Transaction Accepted)
  • QR Category returned = 01 (Point of Sales)
QRTC#002Issuer to RPP: Successful AE for P2P
  1. Issuer sends a good AE request (pacs. QR Category: DFLT
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. RC U000 (Successful/Transaction Accepted)
  • QR Category returned = 02 (P2P)
QRTC#015Issuer to RPP: Successful AE for P2P
  1. Issuer sends an AE request to RPP with a dormant/closed/blacklisted/hold/blocked account in the QR code.
  2. RPP sends the request to the Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response (pacs. and Issuer receives a negative response (pacs. RC 45
QRTC#016RPP to Acquirer: Account Number is invalid
  1. Issuer sends an AE request to RPP with an invalid account in the QR code.
  2. RPP sends the request to the Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response (pacs. and Issuer receives a negative response (pacs. RC 52 or 53 or N3
QRTC#081RPP to Acquirer: Invalid Source of Fund
  1. Issuer sends an AE request to RPP with an invalid source of fund.
  2. RPP sends the request to the Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response (pacs. and Issuer receives a negative response (pacs. U301
QRTC#082RPP to Acquirer: Expired QR
  1. Issuer sends an AE request to RPP with an expired QR.
  2. RPP sends the request to the Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with a negative response (pacs. and Issuer receives a negative response (pacs. RC 48
QRTC#085Issuer to RPP: QR Merchant Status validation
  1. Issuer sends an AE request to Inactive/Suspended/Terminated Merchant.
  • Issuer receives a rejected AE response (pacs. RC 49
QRTC#086Issuer to RPP: P2P Status validation
  1. Issuer sends an AE request to Inactive/Suspended/Terminated P2P acct.
  • Issuer receives a rejected AE response (pacs. RC 49
QRTC#096Issuer to RPP: P2P Status validation
  1. Issuer to RPP: AE Request with Special Chars in the QR Code Issuer bank sends an AE request (pacs. with the following Special Characters (UTF-8 format) in the QR Code: Ampersand (&) or Apostrophe ( ' ) or Double Quotate ( " )
  • Issuer receives successful AE response (pacs. RC U000 (Successful/Transaction Accepted)
QRTC#120Issuer to RPP: QR validation - Valid Payload Format Indicator
  1. Issuer sends an AE request to RPP with valid Payment Format Indicator in the QR code: Payload Format Indicator = 01
  2. RPP sends the request to the Acquirer.
  • Acquirer responds with a successful AE response (pacs. RC 00
  • Issuer receives a successful response (pacs. U000
QRTC#121Issuer to RPP: QR validation - Invalid format
  1. Issuer scan invalid/not EMVCo QR Code
  2. Issuer to route the request to 521 payment type
  3. Issuer send the request to RPP
  • Issuer receives a rejected AE response if do not have Cross border service. (pacs. RC U110 (Payment not accepted)
  • Issuer receives a successful AE response if have Cross border service (subject to acquirer readiness on Cross border). (pacs. RC U000 (Successful/Transaction Accepted)

2. QR Pay to Merchant

Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
QMTC#001QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Merchant's POS Terminated / Suspended
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment
  3. Acquirer reject due to Merchant is terminated / suspended
  • Rejected Transaction by Acquirer - Invalid Transaction
  • Status Code: RJCT Status Reason Code: 49
QMTC#002QR Pay to Merchant (POS): QR Expired (QR Dynamic)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. QR Pay to Merchant (POS): QR Expired . QR Expired at Credit Transfer Leg
  • Rejected transaction by Acquirer - QR Expired. Status Code: RJCT Status Reason Code: 48
QMTC#003QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Acquirer Response to RPP: Timeout (at Credit Transfer leg)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends QR Payment
  3. RPP sends QR Payment to Acquirer, response timeout
  4. Issuer receives U002
  • Transaction accepted - Timeout at Credit Transfer Leg. Status Code: ACTC Status Reason Code: U002
QMTC#005QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Invalid Account rejected at QR Payment Leg
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends an invalid creditor account type / creditor account
  3. Acquirer reject with invalid account
  • Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Invalid Account Status Code: RJCT Status Reason Code: 52 or 53 (No Current Account) , 53 (No Savings Account) , N3 or 53 (Invalid Account)
QMTC#006QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Invalid Account rejected at QR Payment Leg
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends a request to account that is: Beneficiary Account is dormant or Beneficiary Account is closed or Beneficiary Account is Blacklisted or Beneficiary Account is hold / blocked or Beneficiary is Deceased
  • Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Unable to Credit Status Code: RJCT, Status Reason Code: 45
QMTC#007QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Invalid Amount rejected at QR Payment Leg
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends request with an invalid amount
  3. Acquirer reject with invalid amount - RC 13
  • Rejected transaction by Acquirer - Invalid Amount Status Code: RJCT , Status Reason Code: 13
QMTC#008QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Success Scenario of QR Payment - Accepted Source of Fund Options (Single Value)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends request in QR Payment with below conditions: Debtor Account Type = SVGS (Savings Account) Creditor Account Type = DFLT Accepted Source of Fund = 01
  • Successful Transaction Status Code: ACSP , Status Reason Code: U000
QMTC#012QR Pay to Merchant (POS): Success Scenario of QR Payment - Accepted Source of Fund Options (Multiple Value)
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends request in QR Payment with below conditions: Debtor Account Type = CACC (Current Account), Creditor Account Type = DFLT , Accepted Source of Fund = 01, 02, 03
  • Successful Transaction Status Code: ACSP , Status Reason Code: U000
QMTC#050QR POS: Success Transaction for Dynamic
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. Issuer sends good transaction with the following details: Debtor Acct type: SVGS , Accepted Payment Type: 01
  • Successful Transaction Status Code: ACSP , Status Reason Code: U000

3. QR Pay to Person

Test IDDescriptionTest DataExpected Result
QPTC#008Success Scenario of QR - P2P Payment (040) - Off-Us transaction
  1. Pre-requisites: QR Enquiry is successful
  2. QR Category = 02 (P2P) , Issuer and Acquirer = different bank , Debtor Account Type = CACC (Current Account) , Accepted Source of Fund = 01 (CASA)
  • Successful QR P2P Payment , Status Code: ACSP , Status Reason Code: U000