Security & Encryption
TLS Requirements
It is recommended that the URL domain is compatible for both testing and production to ensure that during the testing stage, notification configuration meets PayNet requirements.
Our APIs only support TLS 1.2
Signature Generation
You can also find our message signature SDK or sample apps in resources section.
The following steps describe how a message signature is generated. The following list of message body parameters and values will be used for this example:
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
payerbanknum | 100033061 |
payerbankname | AGROBANK |
billerbanknum | 100002144 |
billerbankname | STANDARD CHART. BANK |
accounttype | 1 |
billercode | 1123 |
billercodename | Maxis |
nbpsref | 3598D772 |
channel | 3 |
debittimestamp | 2016-05-09T08:07:39.0000000+00:00 |
repeatmsg | N |
rrn | 1230 |
rrn2 | |
currencycode | MYR |
amount | 4550 |
extdata | null |
Step 1: Retrieve the timestamp
The message timestamp for the operation will need to be retrieved in UTC time, e.g. 2016-05-09T08:07:05.2199272Z from message header.
Step 2: Rearrange the Message Body Parameters
All the parameters of the message body are sorted alphabetically using their parameter names. Using the parameter list above as an example, the result would be as follows:
Parameter Name | Parameter Value |
accounttype | 1 |
amount | 4550 |
billerbankname | STANDARD CHART. BANK |
billerbanknum | 100002144 |
billercode | 1123 |
billercodename | Maxis |
channel | 3 |
currencycode | MYR |
debittimestamp | 2016-05-09T08:07:39.0000000+00:00 |
extdata | null |
nbpsref | 3598D772 |
payerbankname | AGROBANK |
payerbanknum | 100033061 |
repeatmsg | N |
rrn | 1230 |
rrn2 |
Step 3: Concatenate the Parameter Values
Each of the message body parameter values are joined together to form one string. Any empty parameters can be left out from their place in the order.
1 + 4550 + STANDARD CHART. BANK + 100002144 + 1123 + Maxis + 3 + MYR + 2016-05-09T08:07:39.0000000+00:00 + 3598D772 + AGROBANK + 100033061 + N + 1230
This will result in the following string being generated:
14550STANDARD CHART. BANK1000021441123Maxis3MYR2016-05-09T08:07:39.0000000+00:003598D772AGROBANK100033061N1230
Step 4: Insert the timestamp in front of the concatenated parameter values
The timestamp obtained from Step 1 is attached to the concatenated string from Step 3 as a prefix with the following format: yyyyMMddHHmmss
The definition of the format is as follows:
Format | |
yyyy | 4 digit Year |
MM | 2 digit Month, therefore single digit months are padded with a zero in front, e.g. February is 02 |
dd | 2 digit Day, single digit days are padded with a zero |
HH | 2 digit Hour in 24 hour format, zero padded |
mm | 2 digit Minute, zero padded |
ss | 2 digit Seconds, zero padded |
Give the example above, the time stamp of 2016-05-09T08:07:05.2199272Z will become: 20160509080705
This string is placed as a prefix in front of the parameter values obtained in Step 3, which results in the following:
2016050908070514550STANDARD CHART. BANK1000021441123Maxis3MYR2016-05-09T08:07:39.0000000+00:003598D772AGROBANK100033061N1230
Step 5: Insert the Pass Key provided to the Biller at the end of the string
Each Biller is provided a secret Pass Key for use with BNS. For this example, we will use the pass key = “JQDSHALPKX”, and this value will be appended to the end of the string obtained from Step 4 as a suffix. This will result in the following string:
2016050908070514550STANDARD CHART. BANK1000021441123Maxis3MYR2016-05-09T08:07:39.0000000+00:003598D772AGROBANK100033061N1230JQDSHALPKX
Step 6: Calculate SHA256 of the string and encode the results in Base64
The SHA256 hash of the string obtained from Step 5 encoded in Base64 is: EFddam1Y/dvhBh2Nvytw2XvZMQHB3sONuWeEMzP9CuA=
This is message signature for the message. It is either inserted in message header when generating a message, or validated against message signature contained in a message response.
Example Request Message
Using the fictional example above, the request message would be as follows:
"header": {
"sig": "EFddam1Y/dvhBh2Nvytw2XvZMQHB3sONuWeEMzP9CuA=",
"timestamp": "2016-05-09T08:07:05.2199272Z"
"body": {
"payerbanknum": "100033061",
"payerbankname": "AGROBANK",
"billerbanknum": "100002144",
"billerbankname": "STANDARD CHART. BANK",
"accounttype": "1",
"billercode": "1123",
"billercodename": "Maxis",
"nbpsref": "3598D772",
"channel": "3",
"debittimestamp": "2016-05-09T08:07:39.0000000+00:00",
"repeatmsg": "N",
"rrn": "1230",
"rrn2": "",
"currencycode": "MYR",
"amount": 4550,
"extdata": null
Sample Code
- Java
package com.paynet.signer.ui.signer_jompay_ui;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Base64;
public class JomPaySignature {
private final static String SHA256 = "SHA-256";
public static String genSignature(String clearText) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return new String(