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Mapping Tables

Charge Bearer Code

DEBTDebtorBorne by Debtor
CREDCreditorBorne by Creditor
SHARSharedIn a credit transfer context, means that transaction charges on the sender side are to be borne by the debtor, transaction charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the creditor. In a Debit context, means that transaction charges on the sender side are to be borne by the creditor, transaction charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the debtor
SLEVService LevelFollowing Service Level (charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the service level and/or scheme

Category Purpose Code

BONUBonusPaymentTransaction is the payment of a bonus.
CASHCashManagementTransferTransaction is a general cash management instruction.
CBLKCard Bulk ClearingA Service that is settling money for a bulk of card transactions, while referring to a specific transaction file or other information like terminal ID, card acceptor ID or other transaction details.
CCRDCredit Card PaymentTransaction is related to a payment of credit card.
CORTTradeSettlementPaymentTransaction is related to settlement of a trade, eg a foreign exchange deal or a securities transaction
DCRDDebit Card PaymentTransaction is related to a payment of debit card.
DIVIDividendTransaction is the payment of dividends.
DVPMDeliverAgainstPaymentCode used to pre-advise the account servicer of a forthcoming deliver against payment instruction.
EPAYEpaymentTransaction is related to ePayment.
FCOLFee CollectionA Service that is settling card transaction related fees between two parties.
GOVTGovernmentPaymentTransaction is a payment to or from a government department.
HEDGHedgingTransaction is related to the payment of a hedging operation.
ICCPIrrevocable Credit Card PaymentTransaction is reimbursement of credit card payment.
IDCPIrrevocable Debit Card PaymentTransaction is reimbursement of debit card payment.
INTCIntraCompanyPaymentTransaction is an intra-company payment, ie, a payment between two companies belonging to the same group.
INTEInterestTransaction is the payment of interest.
LOANLoanTransaction is related to the transfer of a loan to a borrower.
OTHROtherPaymentOther payment purpose.
PENSPensionPaymentTransaction is the payment of pension.
RVPMReceiveAgainstPaymentCode used to pre-advise the account servicer of a forthcoming receive against payment instruction.
SALASalaryPaymentTransaction is the payment of salaries.
SECUSecuritiesTransaction is the payment of securities.
SSBESocialSecurityBenefitTransaction is a social security benefit, ie payment made by a government to support individuals.
SUPPSupplierPaymentTransaction is related to a payment to a supplier.
TAXSTaxPaymentTransaction is the payment of taxes.
TRADTradeTransaction is related to the payment of a trade finance transaction.
TREATreasuryPaymentTransaction is related to treasury operations. E.g. financial contract settlement.
VATXValueAddedTaxPaymentTransaction is the payment of value added tax.
WHLDWithHoldingTransaction is the payment of withholding tax.

Identification Type

01New IC NumberThe Identification Type used is IC Number
02Army NumberThe Identification Type used is Army Number
03Passport NumberThe Identification Type used is Passport Number
04Registration NumberThe Identification Type used is Registration Number
05Mobile NumberThe Identification Type used is Mobile Phone

Resident Status

01ResidentThe Account owner is a Resident
02Non-ResidentThe Account owner is a Non-Resident
03UnavailableStatus is not available

Product Type

IIslamicThe Product Type is Islamic
CConventionalThe Product Type is Conventional

Sharia Compliant

YYesSharia Compliant
NNoNon-Sharia Compliant

Account Owner Type

1SingleSingle Account
2JointJoint Account
3GovernmentGovernment Account
4CorporateCorporate Account
5NGONGO Account

Proxy Registration Code

ACTVActivateTo activate the proxy after suspending it
AMNDAmendTo Amend an existing proxy registration
DEACDeregisterTo deregister an existing proxy
NEWRNew RegistrationTo register a new proxy
PORTPortTo transfer proxy to another bank
SUSPSuspendTo suspend an active proxy

Proxy Account Type

CACCCurrent AccountIf Account tied to the proxy is a current account (CA)
SVGSSavings AccountIf Account tied to the proxy is a savings account (SA)

Proxy Type

NRICNRIC NumberProxy used to register is NRIC
PSPTPassport NumberProxy used to register is Passport Number
BREGBusiness Registration NumberProxy used to register is Business Registration Number
MBNOMobile NumberProxy used to register is Mobile Number
ARMNArmy NumberProxy used to register is Army Number (can also be classified as NRIC)

Proxy Registration Status Code

ACTVActiveProxy is active and can be used for payment. Proxy can also be modified, suspended, and transferred to another bank.
SUSPSuspendedProxy is suspended and cannot be used for payment. Proxy cannot be amended, but can be re-activated again.
ICTVInactiveProxy has been deregistered and cannot be used for payment. No other change can be performed to an inactive proxy.
SUSBSuspended by BankThis suspension is done at the back office, and can only be activated by back office.

Proxy Status Code

ACTCAcceptedChanges are accepted
RJCTRejectedChanges are rejected

Special Character

Identification (ID)+'-/ *
Name[@'/&()._-,`*]:#+!;$%^{}~ space character
IP Address.:
Reference+'-.,()/:? space character

Identity Validation

00No ValidationNo Validation
01Debtor Name CheckDebtor Name Check
02Debtor Identification Check (NRIC, Passport or etc)Debtor Identification Check (NRIC, Passport or etc)
03Debtor Name and Identification CheckDebtor Name and Identification Check

Source of Funds

02Credit CardCredit Card

Account Type

CCRDCredit CardCredit Card

Frequency Mode


Substate Code

CLEAREDCLEAREDSuccessfully Transaction
PENDING AUTHORISATIONACCEPTEDPending Authorisation by Debiting Agent
CANCELLEDCANCELLEDCancel transaction by merchant
REJECTREJECTEDTransaction is rejected (Fail)

Channel Code

RBRBRetail Internet Banking
CBCBCorporate Internet Banking
RMRMRetail Mobile Banking
CMCMCorporate Mobile Banking
BWBWBusiness Web (To be used for FI initiated Merchant Transactions or Merchant Initiated Transactions)
BABABusiness App (To be used for FI initiated Merchant Transactions or Merchant Initiated Transactions)

Originator Code

OOOriginating Financial Institution
HHRetail Payments Platform
RRReceiving Financial Institution
01Not using service anymore
02Dispute on payment details
03Not interested
05Early settlement of contract

Settlement Method Code

CLRGClearingSystemSettlement is done through a payment clearing system.

Payment Transaction Status Code

CodeNameDefinitionUsed by RPP
ACCPAcceptedCustomerProfilePreceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful.No
ACSCAcceptedSettlementCompleted"Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed. Usage: this can be used by the first agent to report to the debtor that the transaction has been completed. Warning: this status is provided for transaction status reasons, not for financial information. It can only be used after bilateral agreementNo
ACSPAcceptedSettlementInProcessAll preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment initiation has been accepted for execution.Yes
ACTCAcceptedTechnicalValidationAuthentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successfulYes
ACWCAcceptedWithChangeInstruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent.No
PNDGPendingPayment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed.No
RJCTRejectedPayment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected.Yes

Cash Account Code

CACCCurrentAccount used to post debits and credits when no specific account has been nominated.
LOANLoanAccount used for loans.
SVGSSavingsAccount used for savings.
CCRDCredit Card/Hire PurchaseAccount used for payment of Credit Card or Hire Purchase
DFLTDefaultDefault Accounts (can either be Savings or Current)

Event Code

2001Bank Availability StatusAlarm when a Participant changes status to active or inactive
2003Liquidity Position Limit BreachedAlarm when a Participant’s Liquidity Position Limit is breached
2004Settlement NotificationNotification when Settlement cycle is changed
CMN001Consent UpdateUsed to notify Merchant of Consent Update
CMN002Consent TerminationUsed to notify Merchant of Consent Termination
PMT001Payment StatusUsed to inform Merchant of Payment Status
CRN001Consent Update StatusUsed to inform Merchant of Consent Update Status
RED001RTP RedirectUsed to send End-to-End ID and signature in RTP Redirect
RED002Consent Registration RedirectUsed to send End-to-End ID and signature in Consent Registration Redirect

Function Code

1001Sign On RequestCode when signing on to RPP
1002Sign Off RequestCode when signing off from RPP
1003EchoCode when sending echo request

Proxy Registration Type Code

ACTVActivateTo activate the proxy after suspending it
AMNDAmendTo Amend an existing proxy registration
DEACDeregisterTo deregister an existing proxy
NEWRNew RegistrationTo register a new proxy
PORTPortTo transfer proxy to another bank
SUSPSuspendTo suspend an active proxy

Submitter Code

BANKBankBank sends the lookup request
ACTVActiveConsent is active
ICTVInactiveConsent is inactive
SUSPSuspendSuspended by Customer
SUSBSuspendSuspended by Bank
ACTBActiveActivated by Bank
PDAUPending AuthorizationPending Authotization