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Security & Encryption

Client Authentication

The API uses OAuth2.0 as a security measure to authenticate requests.

Transport Encryption

The connection between the client applications and the API is secured with TLS/SSL.

It is recommended that the URL domain is compatible for both testing and production to ensure that during the testing stage, notification configuration meets FPX requirements.


Our APIs only support TLS 1.2

Message Signature Generation


You can also find our message signature SDK or sample apps in resources section.

Transaction will be signed using an asymmetric (private key) cryptopraphy mechanism. Messages are signed based on key fields rather than the whole message. The signature generated is then inputted into the message X-Signature field in the message header. The key fields will be based on each of the different message formats as shown below.

PKI sign algorithm, signature method RSA-SHA 1 Public Key Signature Algorithm is used to compute a Signature value.

All message formats will require to include both the header and body fields to be built into the signature. The steps will be as below :

Step 1: Construct the source string

Based on the request message, respective fields value will be appended together following the order specified in below section.

Step 2: Sign the source string

  1. Sign the constructed source string with participant’s private key.

  2. Take the signed value and populate it into the X-Signature header field.

public class FPXSignature {

public static String signDataUsingInternalKey(
String pvtKeyFileName,
String dataToSign,
String signatureAlg
throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException {
PrivateKey privateKey = getPrivateKey2(pvtKeyFileName);
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(signatureAlg, "BC");

byte[] signatureBytes = signature.sign();

return byteArrayToHexString(signatureBytes);

public static String byteArrayToHexString(byte b[]) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(b.length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
sb.append(hexChar[(b[i] & 0xf0) >>> 4]);
sb.append(hexChar[b[i] & 0x0f]);
return sb.toString();

Message Signature Fields

Bank Webview Services

DCL Inquiry

bankIdURI parameterBank code of the Participant

CCL Inquiry

bankIdURI parameterBank code of the Participant

DCL Authorize

bankIdURI parameterBank code of the Participant
transactionIdURI parameterUnique ID generated by FPX for each payment request received from Merchant
actionURI parameterAction code. Different actions could be initiated according to the transaction status

CCL Authorize

bankIdURI parameterBank code of the Participant
transactionIdURI parameterUnique ID generated by FPX for each payment request received from Merchant
actionURI parameterAction code. Different actions could be initiated according to the transaction status

Downtime Inquiry

bankIdURI parameterBank code of the Participant
modelURI parameterBusiness model

Initiate Downtime

bankIdURI parameterBank code of the Participant
modelURI parameterBusiness model
periodTypeBody ParameterDowntime period type
startDateBody ParameterDowntime start date
startTimeBody ParameterDowntime start time
endDateBody ParameterDowntime end date
endTimeBody ParameterDowntime end time

Downtime Cancel

bankIdURI parameterBank code of the Participant
schedulerIdURI parameterUnique identification number assigned to the downtime request

FPX Services

Differ from Bank Webview Services, this service requires all fields to be signed before sending to the FPX under fpx_checkSum field.

Given below are the steps to sign a transaction request to FPX Services:

  1. Step 1 – Construct the source string

    a. The source string should be formed with all data element values.

    b. The values should then be sorted by their data element name, in ascending order.

    c. Each element value should be separated by a “|” (pipe) character in between them.

    Below is format of source string, in ascending order:


    Below is sample of source string, constructed from the sample message


  1. Step 2 – Sign the source string

    a. Sign the constructed source string with Merchant private key.


This steps applicable to all FPX Services APIs.