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B2C Transaction Flow

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1Buyer Initiate TransactionBuyer access Merchant website to purchase either goods or services, and proceed with payment.
2Buyer Select Buyer BankOnce Buyer selects “Pay via FPX” as his payment option, Buyer may selects his preferred Bank from the drop down list.
3Merchant Send AR Message to FPXMerchant sends AR message to FPX via SSL.
4FPX Send AR Message to Buyer BankFPX redirects Buyer to chosen Bank’s Internet Banking Login page. During this redirection, FPX send AR message to Bank’s Internet Banking.
5Buyer Bank Perform DebitingUpon Buyer successful login to the Bank’s Internet Banking, Buyer authorize the payment by confirming the transaction details and complying with Bank’s two factor authentication method.
6Buyer Bank Respond Direct AC Message to FPXBank sends Direct AC message to FPX.
7FPX Send Acknowledgment of Direct AC to Buyer BankFPX send acknowledgement message to Buyer Bank.
8FPX Respond Direct AC Message to MerchantFPX performs the following tasks:
  • Send host to host Direct AC response status message to Merchant website
  • Send email notification to Merchant
  • Send email notification to Buyer.
FPX will resend numbers of Direct AC whenever Merchant does not acknowledge Direct AC message to FPX.
9Merchant Send Acknowledgment of Direct AC Message to FPXBased on received Direct AC message, Merchant needs to respond with 'OK' message.
10Buyer Bank Display Debit StatusBank displays the payment status to Buyer. In addition, Bank instructs Buyer to click the “Continue with transaction” button.
11Buyer Bank Redirect Buyer to FPXBank redirects Buyer to FPX. During this redirection, Bank send Indirect AC message to FPX.
12FPX Redirect Buyer to Merchant WebsiteFPX redirects Buyer to Merchant website. During this redirection, FPX send Indirect AC message to the Merchant website.
13Merchant Display Status to BuyerMerchant displays transaction status page to Buyer.
14FPX Send RR Message to Acquiring BankUpon completion of the debit cycle, FPX initiates RR message to Acquiring Bank.
15Acquiring Bank Perform CreditingAcquiring Bank processes credit message and performs crediting to Merchant account.
16Acquiring Bank Responds RC Message to FPXAcquiring Bank updates credit status to FPX by sending RC message. Once credit response message is received, FPX update the transaction as completed and ready for interbank settlement.