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Enquire Refund Status

Use this to retrieve the status of a refund if the webhook update refund status fails to deliver the update. This inquiry should only be performed once and at least one hour after the initial refund requested.

Process Flow

1AcquirerAPI GatewayInitiate a refund enquiry request to API Gateway.
2API GatewayAcquirerAPI Gateway will respond with latest refund status.


GET /v1/bw/refund?refundId=f36b4c31-44b2-40f2-820a-7fbd081cae9b

refundIdStringMax length: 36Required
The unique external identifier (uuid v4) provided by the acquirer to PayNet when initiating a refund request.


Data Object
checkoutIdStringMax length: 36Required
The similar checkoutId parsed during the first payment initiated.
endToEndIdStringMax length: 35Required
Unique message identification from RPP. This can be used to reconcile with RPP BackOffice or Reports.
codeStringMax length: 4Required
Plese refer to the list of status codes in the appendix.
refundStatusStringMax length: 35Required
The refund status are as below:

REFUND_PENDING - Refund is in progress
REFUND_ACCEPTED - Refund sent to issuing bank for processing
REFUND_REJECTED - Refund unable to process, refer to message field for the reasons
REFUND_TIMEOUT - Refund timeout due to processing delay. Please verify the refund status in the next day report.
issuerStringMax length: 100Required
Name of payer’s issuing bank
paymentMethodStringMax length: 2Required
The paymentMethod selected during the first payment initiated.
amountStringMax length: 18Required
The amount requested for the refund.
End Data Object
messageStringMax length: 1024Required
Please refer to the list of reason codes in the appendix.

Sample Response:

"data": {
"checkoutId": "b4e6c575-5393-4a1e-a231-269e9a3f8af3",
"endToEndId": "20240927M0000201861OBW00000001",
"refundStatus": "REFUND_PENDING",
"issuer": "Ambank",
"paymentMethod": "01",
"amount": "10.00"
"message": "OK"