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Enquire Payment Method Details

Check the status and the details of the saved payment methods. Parse in the unique consentId and PayNet will return the corresponding consent details.

Process Flow

1AcquirerAPI GatewayAcquirer initiates an enquiry via checkoutId or consentId for the details of the consent.
2API GatewayAcquirerAPI Gateway will locate the consent details and response back to acquirer.


GET /v1/bw/consent?consentId=M00002010012700006

consentIdStringMax length: 35Required
Consent that is authorized for AutoDebit payment received from the webhook Update Consent Details.


Data Object
messageIdStringMax length: 35Required
Unique message identification from RPP. This can be used to reconcile with RPP BackOffice or Reports.
Consent Object
consentIdStringMax length: 35Required
Consent that is authorized for AutoDebit payment.
consentStatusStringMax length: 4Required
The status of the consent. Please refer to the list of consent status.
effectiveDateStringMax length: 10Required
Consent effective date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
expiryDateStringMax length: 10Required
Consent expiry date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
frequencyStringMax length: 2Required
Frequency mode:

01 - Unlimited
02 - Daily (00:00:00 until 23:59:59)
03 - Weekly (Monday 00:00:00 until Sunday 23:59:59)
04 - Monthly (first day of the calendar month until end of the calendar month)
05 - Quarterly (first day of the calendar quarter until end of the calendar quarter)
06 - Yearly (first day of the calendar year until end of the calendar year)
allowTerminatedByDebtorStringMax length: 5Required
Consent is allowed to be terminated by payer. It will always default to false.
End Consent Object
issuerStringMax length: 100Required
Name of payer’s issuing bank / wallet.
End Data Object
messageStringMax length: 1024Required
Please refer to the list of reason codes.

Sample Response:

"data": {
"messageId": "20240517M0037091752OBW04934683",
"consent": {
"consentId": "M00002010012700006",
"consentStatus": "ACTV",
"effectiveDate": "2024-01-24",
"expiryDate": "2024-04-24",
"frequency": "01",
"allowTerminatedByDebtor": "false"
"issuer": "Affin Bank"
"message": "U000"