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Sandbox Overview

The PayNet Sandbox is a free and fully integrated environment to support users in application development and testing. It provides a variety of test credentials and data for users to test against.


PayNet Sandbox currently supports DuitNow Transfer, DuitNow Online Banking and DuitNow QR. We are working towards making this service available to all our products.

Using Sandbox

You can send a request to the Sandbox by sending the HTTPS requests to the respective endpoints. The endpoints are shown in the respective product API reference.

There’s several sandbox that we provide depending on user readiness in application development.

DefaultGet started with test credential and life-like data. Test immediately using these without any prior configuration and approval.
DevelopmentBuild out your app with dedicated credential. Create a new project under your profile. The new credential will be provided once the request is reviewed and approved by our Administrator.
ProductionLaunch your app with live credentials. You must complete all the test scenarios listed development before you could seek approval to go live with your application.

To enable your account for testing on Sandbox, please follow the steps to create a project via Developer Portal Dashboard.

Test Data

You may refer to the test data section under each respective product to find out all the test scenarios that you will need to complete.