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This changelog tracks changes related to bug fixes and enhancements to the PayNet API, in chronological order. It also lists the changes to the Documentation, procedures, SDKs, and resources. If you are looking for changes in Developer Portal functionalities, see the Developer Portal changelog here:

03 Jul 2024

PayNet Docs v24.7.1
  • Add P990 reason code to response-code
  • Clean up documentation pages

02 Jul 2024

PayNet Docs v24.7.0
  • DuitNow QR MPM: Add steps in CC and SyVe under quick start guide
  • DuitNow QR MPM: Update guide to get the API key
  • PayNet Checkout: Add dynamic merchant name description and sample
  • Add on PNCO sample values in the CSR guide
  • Clean up documentation pages

25 Jun 2024

PayNet Docs v24.6.2
  • PayNet Checkout: Change some wordings into hyperlink
  • PayNet Checkout: Fix broken hyperlink
  • DuitNow QR: Removed QPTC#047 and removed the + symbol in the message signature
  • DuitNow QR: Updated documentation on message signature
  • DuitNow Online Banking/Wallets: Removed QPTC#047 and removed the + symbol in the message signature

19 Jun 2024

PayNet Docs v24.6.1
  • PayNet Checkout: Fix response message for checkout details, payment intent and save payment method
  • DuitNow QR: Added required fields for DuitNow QR response
  • DuitNow QR: Update transaction enquiry type to number
API References
  • Remove the IVS APIs from general public

11 Jun 2024

PayNet Docs v24.6.0
API References
  • National Fraud Portal: Updated incident api schema
  • DuitNow QR: Updated schema definitions for Account Enquiry and Credit Transfer response

31 May 2024

PayNet Docs v24.5.4
API References
  • Added HTTP/2 protocol information for DuitNow Transfer, DuitNow Online Banking/Wallet, DuitNow QR
  • PayNet Checkout: Update sourceOfFunds field length from empty to N/A for Initiate Checkout and Initiate Consent
  • PayNet Checkout: Added 'isObw' in GetBankList
  • PayNet Checkout: Changed 'sourceOfFunds' field type to ArrayList and remove max length
  • PayNet Checkout: Fixed missing 'messageId' and incorrect message format for 'issuer' in Enquire Payment Method Details
  • PayNet Checkout: Fixed incorrect fields type in GetBankList
  • PayNet Checkout: Amended webhook sample request from 'consentEndToEndId' to 'endToEndId' for Initiate Checkout
  • PayNet Checkout: Added 'close beta' tag under Registration menu

28 May 2024

PayNet Docs v24.5.3
API References
  • National Fraud Portal: Updated incident api schema
  • DuitNow QR: Added transaction enquiry API
  • DuitNow QR: Added enum for CashAccount24

21 May 2024

PayNet Docs v24.5.2
  • DuitNow QR: Added new test data for DuitNow QR (Foreign Issuer)
API References
  • DuitNow Online Banking/Wallets: Added information regarding UAT test results
  • DuitNow Transfer: Added 'settlementCycleNumber' and 'interbankSettlementDate' in Credit Transfer Reversal - Endpoint Response
  • National Fraud Portal: Updated schema
  • DuitNow QR: Update schema

14 May 2024

PayNet Docs v24.5.1
  • PayNet Checkout: Updated information regarding integration
  • DuitNow Online Banking/Wallets: Added information regarding browser redirection
API References
  • DuitNow QR: Updated schema
  • DuitNow Transfer: Updated schema on reversal

07 May 2024

PayNet Docs v24.5.0
API References
  • DuitNow Online Banking/Wallets: Modify the description of 'endToEndId' to align with 'messageId' in Cancel Payment Response.
  • DuitNow Transfer: Remove the 'required' tag for $.data.creditorAccount.type in Credit Transfer Response
  • DuitNow Transfer: Add missing information in Credit Transfer (CT) and Credit Transfer Reversal (CT Reversal) endpoint request body. Introduce a new tag 'isRetry' to be included in the request body when sending a webhook request to the RFI
  • DuitNow Transfer: Include 'settlementCycleNumber' and 'interbankSettlementDate' generated by RPP in CT and CT Reversal Webhook request body. Remove them from the endpoint request body. Samples are updated accordingly for both CT and CT Reversal.
  • DuitNow QR: Updated schema
  • DuitNow QR: Added special character validation

30 Apr 2024

PayNet Docs v24.4.4
  • PayNet Checkout: Added self-hosted page section and checkout details
API References
  • PayNet Checkout: Added self-hosted page section and checkout details

26 Apr 2024

PayNet Docs v24.4.3
  • Added reset password process video
  • Fix registration process video

17 Apr 2024

PayNet Docs v24.4.2
API References
  • Update IVS API specs to match with latest version of development

16 Apr 2024

PayNet Docs v24.4.1
  • DuitNow Online Banking/Wallet - Added missing payment status notification for merchant's test cases
API References
  • DuitNow Transfer - Hide Reversal specs
  • DuitNow Online Banking/Wallet - Added format for expiryDate in request 861
  • DuitNow Online Banking/Wallet - Modified maxLength of in response 650 from 35 to 128 (to tally with current database table structure)
  • FPX - Remove invalid specs page

05 Apr 2024

PayNet Docs v24.4.0
API References
  • Introduce new api reference - IVS

26 Mar 2024

PayNet Docs v24.3.2
  • Added certificate renewal process video guide
API References
  • Update description on expiryDate in DOBW - Initiate Payment API

19 Mar 2024

PayNet Docs v24.3.1
  • Introduce a new product: PayNet Checkout
  • Updated quick start guide to include PayNet Checkout
API References
  • Added technical specification for PayNet Checkout

12 Mar 2024

PayNet Docs v24.3.0
  • Update on DuitNow Online Banking/Wallet browser redirection table
API References
  • Added new page under DuitNow QR - Cross Border Webhook Account Enquiry - Cross Border Webhook QR Payment
  • DuitNow QR Merchant Test Cases - Added 1 new negative test case validating the QR Category for Cross Border transaction
  • DuitNow QR Transaction Enquiry - Updated the test data with clearer instruction on testing requirement/scenario
  • DuitNow QR - Added new section - Report Verification Test Cases
  • DuitNow QR - Corrected description from SRTR04: SAF Exception File to SER02: SAF Exception File
  • DuitNow QR - Standardized the Naming of Section throughout all cross-border test cases (Foreign Issuer, Issuer and Acquirer)

28 Feb 2024

PayNet Docs v24.2.3
  • Fix broken link in Introduction to Certification
  • Added MyDebit TSP product in the Certification Center

22 Feb 2024

PayNet Docs v24.2.2
  • Update image and steps to reflect 3 tier in getting started page
  • Fixed content bug on Certification Centre quick guide
  • Update DuitNow crossborder report specification

07 Feb 2024

PayNet Docs v24.2.1
  • Repackage message signature Java SDK for Duitnow Transfer, NAD, Network Admin

06 Feb 2024

PayNet Docs v24.2.0
  • Added Sample App and Java SDK for message signing and verification for DuitNow Transfer, NAD & Network Admin. Added user guide for the Sample App.
  • Updated Certificate Management guides

30 Jan 2024

PayNet Docs v24.1.4

Separated Developer Portal’s changelog page from PayNet Docs' changelog page

  • Added terminology for JomPAY RPP
API Reference
  • DuitNow QR - Removed tcpip connection info
  • DuitNow Credit Transfer - Change description from Debtor's Account Type to Creditor's Account Type
  • DuitNow Credit Transfer - Include LOAN in allowed value (only for AE and CT)

16 Jan 2024

PayNet Docs v24.1.2
  • Update text and images for Certification Center and System Verification under quick start guide
  • MyDebit TSP SDK: encryption-tsp-ui - Delete test folder and target folder that are not needed
  • MyDebit TSP SDK: encryption-tsp-ui - Delete test folder, target folder and src/main/com folder that are not needed and empty
API Reference
  • DuitNow QR: Added new info Domestic Webhook Account Enquiry and Domestic Credit Transfer
  • MyDebit TSP Acquirer/Merchant: Fix description for enc_token_data and enc_pan_data

11 Jan 2024

PayNet Docs v24.1.1
  • Added Quick Start Guide for Certification Center and System Verification
  • Added flow diagram in Getting Started Guide
  • Added a note in Overview guide that participant has the option to use Certification Center for API testing.
  • Implemented the inclusion of reason code links across all DuitNow services: DuitNow QR, DuitNow Transfer, DuitNow Online Banking
  • Excluded SIT environment from the Connectivity Requirements page across all DuitNow services.
  • Refined the response structure in the Proxy Resolution feature for DuitNow Credit Transfer - NAD: Set "account - type" to optional.

03 Jan 2024

PayNet Docs v24.1.0
  • Add DuitNow QR Foreign Issuer test data page to sidebar

28 Dec 2023

PayNet Docs v23.12.4
  • System verification feature under Certifications module
API Reference
  • Update API base URL reference for DuitNow Transfer, NAD and Network Admin from to
  • DuitNow QR is now beta in API reference homepage

21 Dec 2023

PayNet Docs v23.12.3
API Reference
  • DuitNow Network Admin: Updated the 'createdDateTime' as required field for request body for Echo endpoint
  • DuitNow Credit Transfer: Updated the correct URL endpoint for Transaction Enquiry endpoint
  • DuitNow AutoDebit is now beta
  • Renamed 'DuitNow Bill Payment' to 'JomPAY RPP' for clarity and consistency
  • DuitNow QR Cross Border - Added new test data for foreign switch as issuer.
  • DuitNow QR Cross Border - Added list of China response code for DuitNow QR Cross Border Malaysia Outbound flow. Malaysia to scan China cross border QR

13 Dec 2023

PayNet Docs v23.12.2
API Reference
  • DuitNow Network Admin: Updated the reason code and replaced 401 error response with more informative and accurate representation
  • DuitNow Credit Transfer: Updated the 401 and 500 response message to reflect the updated error message
  • DuitNow Credit Transfer: Updated the 'createdDateTime' as a required field for request body and response body
  • DuitNow Credit Transfer: Changed the method for Credit Transfer Reversal endpoint to PUT
  • DuitNow Credit Transfer: Removed 'Transaction Cancel Endpoint'
  • DuitNow Credit Transfer: Updated the 'Transaction Enquiry' endpoint URL
  • DuitNow NAD: Updated the 401 and 500 response message to reflect the updated error message
  • DuitNow NAD: Updated the 'createdDateTime' as required field for request body for all APIs except GET APIs
  • DuitNow NAD: Updated 'createdDateTime' as required for response body for all APIs
  • General Changes: Updated API Gateway General Response code to include the actual response for better clarity
  • General Changes: Add BREG format instructions to include both old and new formats

24 Nov 2023

PayNet Docs v23.11.5
  • Remove the DuitNow QR Customer Presented Mode [CPM] APIs from general public.

21 Nov 2023

PayNet Docs v23.11.4
API Reference
  • Add new National Fraud Portal API reference
  • Fix: DuitNow transfer API reference broken link causing 404 page

20 Nov 2023

PayNet Docs v23.11.3
API Reference
  • Remove DuitNow Transfer, Network Admin and NAD from general availability.

02 Nov 2023

PayNet Docs 23.11.0
  • Add MyDebit CNP documentation in PayNet Docs
  • Update the MyDebit introduction section
  • MyDebit secure CNP for issuer
  • MyDebit secure CNP for acquirer

25 Oct 2023

PayNet Docs v23.10.0

New Docs User Interface

  • Updated styling for PayNet Docs Home Page
  • Updated the Getting Started to guide both DuitNow and MyDebit test process
  • Changes new Certifications Center section
  • Moved the FI Server into Operations section
  • Changes new Certificate Management in the Operations section
  • Changes new Product section
  • Changes new MyDebit Secure Card-Not-Present (CNP) section in the Product section
  • Updated styling for PayNet Docs search
API Reference
  • Updated styling for APIs Page

02 Feb 2023


DuitNow Transfer and DuitNow Bill Payment.

06 Jun 2022


PayNet API docs