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The PayNet certifications module plays a crucial role in facilitating the onboarding journey for developers during the development and testing phases. This module comprises two main components

  • Certification Center: Developers use this simulator to verify that transaction messages adhere to API specifications or payment scheme specifications, such as ISO8583, ISO20022, and EMVCo standards
  • System Verification: Developers utilize this system integration component to verify end-to-end transactions involving the issuer, payment switch, and acquirer.
Data Format & Validation Engine (DAVE). DAVE is capable of mimicking any entity involved in the transaction process. Whether you're onboarding as an issuer, acquirer, or merchant, our simulator enable you to send requests and receive real-time responses promptly. DAVE is an indispensable tool in the onboarding journey, providing developers with a controlled, independent environment for testing and validating their code before integration with the larger system.

The Certification Centre & System Verification also serves as your onboarding test case management platform, allowing you to run and monitor your test cases in real-time, withresults being updated instantly. This new solution streamlines much of the time-consuming work associated with conventional onboarding, thereby expediting your go-live approval times.

Test Suite

The Certifications module offers a suite(s) of test cases for you to execute as part of your onboarding journey for your chosen product. Depending on your selected product, you may need to complete one or multiple test suites to support your onboarding requirements.

The following are properties of test cases and its their significance to their respective test case.

TitleA descriptive title given to the test case.
Case IDA unique identifier assigned to each test case within a test suite. This identifier can serve as a reference, both in your testing process and when seeking assistance from our support team.
Test Case DescriptionProvide an overview of what the test case is designed to achieve and what it's testing.
Expected ResultsSpecify the outcomes or results expected upon successful execution of the test case.

Test Cases Types

Test cases in your assigned test suite are categorized and labeled into several distinct types. The assigned type dictates the method of execution and enables the simulator to identify their origin. The various types of test cases are outlined in the table below.

1Mock-firedThese test cases necessitate the user to manually trigger them using a 'run' button within the test case. This action prompts our simulators to send a request to your host.
2Self-triggeredThese test cases requires the user to initiate the communication with their assigned simulators from their client. Your designated simulator is always in a 'listening' state, ready to receive your requests.

Test Data

In the Certifications module, test cases depend on test data to replicate specific scenarios, ensuring comprehensive coverage during testing. It's worth noting that certain test cases may handle test data differently. The table below outlines the types of test data we may request from you.

Test DataDescriptions
Master Test DataWhen running mock-fired test cases, you may be prompted to input master test data. They are referred to as 'master' test data because these values apply universally to each test case within the test suite. Master Test Data is kept unique to each DAVE instance, if you spin a new DAVE instance, you will be required to provide your test data again.
Test Case DataCertain mock-fired test cases may necessitate supplementary test data in addition to the values specified for your master test data. Overlapping between the two may apply. We recommend carefully reading and reviewing the test case description in cases where special rules are to be applied to the requested test data. Test Case Data is kept unique to each DAVE instance, if you spin a new DAVE instance, you will be required to provide your test data again.
Test Case Data (Self-triggered)Self-triggered test cases instead provides you with the test data the simulator expects to receive when you initiate a request. When making a request with your assigned simulator, please verify that the fields you send align with those specified within the corresponding test case.